jinnovation / kele.el

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`kele-list` interface should show a "Last Updated" time #137

Open jinnovation opened 1 year ago

jinnovation commented 1 year ago

kele-list output buffer shows a snapshot of the resources of a given kind. This snapshot can be stale. We should give users an indicator of when it might be prudent to refresh w/ g.

jinnovation commented 1 year ago

At first glance, does not look like Tabulated List mode supports arbitrary headers or "decorating" content to display alongside the table.

jinnovation commented 3 months ago

vtables should do the trick here.

From the Tabulated List mode docs:

Tabulated List mode is geared towards displaying text using monospaced fonts, using a single font and text size. If you want to display a table using variable pitch fonts or images, make-vtable can be used instead. vtable also support having more than a single table in a buffer, or having a buffer that contains both a table and additional text in it. See (vtable)Introduction, for more information.

Docs here: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_mono/vtable.html

Some examples here: https://lars.ingebrigtsen.no/2022/04/13/more-vtable-fun/

jinnovation commented 3 months ago

There is a bug in vtable.el that causes vtable boundaries to not be properly detected, causing non-table text in the same buffer to be erased when, say, clicking to sort by column.

This bug is fixed on HEAD but does not appear to have made its way to Emacs 29.3.

jinnovation commented 1 month ago

There is a bug in vtable.el that causes vtable boundaries to not be properly detected, causing non-table text in the same buffer to be erased when, say, clicking to sort by column.

This bug is fixed on HEAD but does not appear to have made its way to Emacs 29.3.

Addressed in #210.