jinnovation / kele.el

🥤 Spritzy Kubernetes cluster management for Emacs
Apache License 2.0
72 stars 4 forks source link
emacs kubernetes

-- before-save-hook: (delete-trailing-whitespace); --

+TITLE: 🥤 kele.el (Kubernetes Enablement Layer for Emacs)

+html: MELPA

+html: MELPA Stable

+html: License badge



[[file:docs/img/kele.jpg]] [[file:docs/img/demo.gif]]

Kele (/kě lè/, or /kə-ˈlə/) ("Kubernetes Enablement Layer for Emacs") is a Kubernetes cluster management package. It empowers you to perform operations as coarse or fine-grained as you need, fast, and get back to your work.

Kele comes with "batteries included." It contains several integrations with noteworthy packages, e.g. [[https://github.com/oantolin/embark][Embark]], that you can take advantage of in your own configs.

For full documentation, please visit [[https://jonathanj.in/kele.el][jonathanj.in/kele.el]].

/Kele is not an official Kubernetes project./

** The Hard Way

Clone this repository and put it in your load-path.

** Use-package + Straight

+begin_src emacs-lisp

 (use-package kele
   :straight t
   (kele-mode 1))
