jinxOAO / DSPmod_MoreMegaStructures

Add more megastructures.
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Got an error after trying to reload a save #25

Open Narceen opened 7 months ago

Narceen commented 7 months ago

There was an issue loading data of mod Gnimaerd.DSP.plugin.MoreMegaStructure. Your save game could be corrupted! Please report this to mod author.

Message: Index was outside the bounds of the array., Stacktrace: at MoreMegaStructure.UIStatisticsPatcher.Import (System.IO.BinaryReader r) [0x0005c] in :IL_005C at MoreMegaStructure.MoreMegaStructure.Import (System.IO.BinaryReader r) [0x00103] in :IL_0103 at crecheng.DSPModSave.DSPModSavePlugin.CallImports (crecheng.DSPModSave.LoadOrder currentState) [0x000b3] in :IL_00B3

Game save and reload fine without MoreMegaStructures

Edit: More Info

An error has occurred! Game version
8 Mods used: [CloseError1.0.0] [DSP Mod Save1.2.1] [LDBTool3.0.1] [DSP Common API1.6.4.0] [Galactic Scale 2 Plug-In2.12.46] [Get Fogged Plug-In1.0.0] [MoreMegaStructure1.2] [ErrorAnalyzer1.0.0] 
IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
MoreMegaStructure.UIStatisticsPatcher.ProductionStatisticsPrepareTickPostPatch (ProductionStatistics& __instance);(0)
ProductionStatistics.PrepareTick ();(0)
GameStatData.PrepareTick ();(0)
GameData.GameTick (System.Int64 time);(0)
GameMain.FixedUpdate ();(0)
== Related patches on the stack ==
PrepareTick(Postfix): static void MoreMegaStructure.UIStatisticsPatcher::ProductionStatisticsPrepareTickPostPatch(ProductionStatistics& __instance)
GameTick(Prefix): static bool MoreMegaStructure.RendererSphere::BeforeGameTick()
GameTick(Postfix): static void MoreMegaStructure.MoreMegaStructure::GameTickPostPatch(long time)
GameTick(Postfix): static void MoreMegaStructure.RendererSphere::RSphereGameTick(long time)
GameTick(Postfix): static void MoreMegaStructure.EffectRenderer::EffectGameTick(long time)