jinxOAO / DSPmod_MoreMegaStructures

Add more megastructures.
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More Mega Structures 更多巨构建筑

pressY editor3.png replicator.png

Matter Decompressor

Science Nexus

Warp Field Broadcast Array

Interstellar Assembly

Crystal Reconstructor

Other Tips

Installation (If Manually)

  1. Install BepInEx.
  2. Intsall LDBTool, DSPModSave and CommonAPI.
  3. Drag MoreMegaStructure.dll into "Dyson Sphere Program/BepInEx/plugins/".
  4. Drag "mmstabicon" into the same folder of MoreMegaStructure.dll

Change log

v1.2.0: Updated to work with game version
   The number of recipes for all Interstellar Assembly has increased from 4 to 15, but the recipe slots will gradually be unlocked as the total speed of the Interstellar Assembly increases.
   The Interstellar Assembly now can be specialized to different types, to gain additional buffs (speed buff or productive buff). Specialization progress requires certain conditions to be met before it begins, and you have to maintain a period of time to complete the specialization conversion process in order to obtain the buffs. Different specializations can switch between each other, but it also takes time.
   Add an increase in production indicator to the recipes of the Interstellar Assembly. If the input raw materials have been sprayed by proliferator, you can see the increase in production symbol and statistical information in the UI.
   Now the Interstellar Assembly has it's own statistics panel page. Press P and select your Interstellar Assembly at the top right corner to see its statistics. Compatible with bottleneck.
   Put all the megastructure's receivers in the quick build bars.
   Fixed a text error in the megastructure editor.
   Fixed a bug where the output quantity of a formula for extra production is incorrect.
   Updated some rocket icons, which are provided by L.

Click to view all v1.1.10 & v1.1.11: Now building receivers that don't match the mega structure type won't harm the megastructure's energy or function any more. The wrong receivers will not work, regardless of its mode. When the receiver doesn't match the mega structure's type, you can see the note "type not match" on it's receiver UI panel. v1.1.9: Now the Science Nexus rocket's recipe need tech "Mission completed!".    Change some balance settings of the Science Nexus ONLY FOR the mod GenesisBook: Now you need to eject universe matrix rather than solar sail to build the shell. And, if you change the megastructure type to the science nexus, it will automatically remove all the solar sails you've already ejected. In GenesisBook, the Science Nexus rocket's recipe need tech "Certificate of Not Being a Noob Anymore". v1.1.8: Fixed a bug that the exchange logistic station will not be unlocked correctly when you've install the mod They Come From Void. v1.1.7: Tiny fix for the logic of launching silo. v1.1.6: This mod now aupports 1000 star systems, only if you set the Support1000Stars to true in the config file. (You need to launch the game first, then you can see the new config options.)    Now the Interstellar Assembly will not waste sufficient resources by default when some of them are insufficient. You can change this back to the previous version by editing the config file. v1.1.5: This mod is now compatible with GenesisBook mod, now if you install both mods, some recipes and pre-techs will be modified appropriately to avoid incompatibility problems.    Fixed a bug that the interstellar assembly might occur "divided by 0" error.    Added internal storage displayment, which shows the specific number of products that cannot be received by the ground station and are temporarily stored in the interstellar assembly itself.    Added a new setting that allows you to adjust the power distribution of the Interstellar Assembly non-linearly. Specifically, the energy distribution ratio can be adjusted more finely (minimum 0.01%) at low distribution amounts.    The Interstellar Assembly's megastructure edit page now displays the Interstellar Assembly's total work speed instead of energy wattage. v1.1.4: Now the Interstellar Assembly will stop consuming materials, only if ALL kinds of the recipe's products are full (10000) in the Interstellar Assembly's storages. (Note that the items in the Interstellar Assembly storage will not be saved in the game archive).    Fixed a bug that the exchange station might consume the items added by hand, when the storage limit is less than 10000.    Fixed a bug if you set negative speed ratio. v1.1.3: Fixed a bug which has caused the energy distribution between multiple interstellar assembly to affect each other.    Fixed an error that occurs when the interstellar assembly is working in a star system, which does not have any surface output/consumption (this will not occur in normal games).    Fixed a bug that the interstellar assembly will not produce items for a long time if it had negative energy for a period of time.    Change default value of speed ratio, if you've installed version1.1.2 before, this will not affect your game. v1.1.2: Fixed an error caused by the null [Exchange Logistic Station]. v1.1.1: Since the speed of Interstellar Assembly might not be balance, players can now adjust the speed factor in config file.    Fixed a bug that the real speed is much slower than it should be. v1.1.0: REMAKE THE Interstellar Assembly! Now you can make anything in the interstellar assembly. Please read the chapter of Interstellar Assembly. v1.0.3: [multifunctional components] can now synthesize [quantum chemical plant].    Receivers can be switched to each other by upgrading (but are limited by the upgrade logic, the intermediate building is necessary when switch buildings with 3 and more levels distance), which MIGHT make this MOD adapt to BlueprintTweaks.    Fixed a text error when entering the Dyson Sphere Editor interface. v1.0.2: Fixed an issue where some buttons could not be clicked at 2k or higher resolutions.    Provides a config setting that players can turn off the button show and hide animation (so that it will show or hide immediately). v1.0.1: The button for planning megastructures has been put back in the lower left corner of the megastructure panel. In order to avoid obscuring the original buttons in the game, the new buttons will be automatically hidden when not in use.    Fixed some text errors.    Fixed an error that the star cannon's construction progress is negative.    Increased the amount of metadata production through the Science Nexus in later game.    Tooltips for multi-components that are automatically transported into the inventory no longer pop up repeatedly when editing a megastructure. v1.0.0: Now, the multi-functional components produced by the Interstellar Assembly can be directly teleported to the mech inventory. See the Interstellar Assembly above for a details.    Now Science Nexus will provide a small amount of metadata according to the speed of producing hash points.    Fix some text error. Move the megastructure buttons to the top to avoid blocking other buttons.    Add Nicoll Dyson beam for mod *TheyComeFromVoid*. Note that this new megastructure is only available if you have *TheyComeFromVoid* with version higher than 2.0.0 installed. Science Nexus research speed has been nerfed to 1/3 *only in the mod TheyComeFromVoid* for balance. v0.4.1 & v0.4.2: Updated to work with game version v0.4.0: Change some icons, add some instructions. Fix a bug, which may cause error when you try to open DysonEditorPanel in space. v0.3.3: Optimize the calculation logic of the output research speed of the science nexus.     Science Nexus can now independently complete the entire process of unlocking any technology. v0.3.2: The basic research speed of the Science Nexus has been restored to the original version, but the bonus provided by each level of technology has been reduced from 100% to 1%. v0.3.1: Fix an issue with missing icon. v0.3.0: Now the new items (except the receiver buildings) can be seen in the production statistics panel;     Add 2 new receivers to product graphite and optical grating crystal. v0.2.0: The basic research speed of the Science Nexus has been reduced to 1/10;     Changed some Dyson Sphere text descriptions.








  1. 安装 BepInEx框架;
  2. 安装 LDBTool, DSPModSave 和 CommonAPI;
  3. 将MoreMegaStructure.dll 放入 "Dyson Sphere Program/BepInEx/plugins/";
  4. 将"mmstabicon" 文件放入与MoreMegaStructure.dll 相同的文件夹。


v1.2.0: 更新以适配游戏版本0.10.28.21247。

点击展开更新日志 | Click to view all v1.1.10 & v1.1.11: 现在建造和巨构类型不相符的接收器不再会影响巨构的正常功能或正常能量产出,当然这些错误的接收器也无法再工作了(无论设置成什么模式)。当你建造了错误的接收器,你会在接收器的UI面板里看到告诉你 “巨构不符” 的提示。 v1.1.9: 科学枢纽的火箭前置科技已被更改为任务完成科技。    仅针对创世之书mod做出了如下平衡性调整:科学枢纽现在需要你去发射宇宙矩阵来填充壳面(而非以前的太阳帆)。此外,在你将巨构类型更改为科学枢纽后,所有已发射在本星系的太阳帆将被自动移除。在创世之书中,科学枢纽火箭的前置科技为:不再是菜鸟的证明。 v1.1.8: 修复了一个bug,该bug曾导致如果你安装了深空来敌mod,物资交换站无法随着正确的科技解锁。 v1.1.7: 对发射井逻辑的微小修复。 v1.1.6: 现在此mod支持1000个星系,但这需要你在配置文件中将Support1000Stars设置为true。(你需要先运行一次游戏才能在配置文件中更改此项设定)    现在星际组装厂不再会浪费原材料。你也可以通过修改配置文件将这个设定改回之前的版本。 v1.1.5: 完成对创世之书mod的兼容,现在如果你同时安装了此mod和创世之书mod,部分合成配方、科技路线将会适当修改以避免不兼容的问题。    修复了一个星际组装厂在工作时除以0的bug。    新增星际组装厂内部仓储显示,现在地面未能接收的产物被暂存在星际组装厂的巨构中的具体数量是可见的。    新增了一个设置,该设置可以让你非线性地调整星际组装厂的能量分配。具体来说,能量分配比例可以在低分配量时更精细地调整(最小0.01%)。    现在,星际组装厂的巨构编辑页面会显示星际组装厂的总工作速度倍率,而非能量瓦数。 v1.1.4: 现在,仅当一个配方的所有产物都填满了星际组装厂内部的储藏空间(10000个/类物品)时,该配方将停止消耗原材料并停止生产。    修复了一个将物品手动放入物资交换物流站上限不足10000的槽位时,交换物流站会将这些溢出上限的物品吞掉的bug。    修复了一个将速度比例设置为负数可能产生的问题。 v1.1.3: 修复了一个bug,该bug曾导致多个星际组装厂之间的能量分配互相影响。    修复了一个因为星系不存在任何地表产出/消耗而导致星际组装厂报错的问题(正常游戏中并不会出现这种情况)。    修复了一个因为星际组装厂能量值为负导致能量回正后长时间无产出的bug。    修改了速度比例的默认数值,如果你之前安装过1.1.2版本,这个改动不会影响你的游戏。 v1.1.2: 修复了一个因为交换站导致null报错的bug。 v1.1.1: 星际组装厂的制造基准速度可能不合理,因而现在可以被玩家修改,请在config文件中修改。    修复了一个星际组装厂实际制造速度和显示的理论最大速度相差60倍的bug。 v1.1.0: 重做星际组装厂,现在他可以选择配方来制造几乎任何物品。请查看星际组装厂介绍。 v1.0.3: [集成组件]现在可以合成[量子化工厂]。    各种接收器可以通过升降级互相切换(但受限于游戏升降级建筑的逻辑,相距超过2级的需要中间建筑才能互相切换),这可能会使得该mod适配BlueprintTweaks。    修复了一个进入戴森球编辑器界面时的文本错误。 v1.0.2: 修复了一个在2k或更高分辨率下较高的按钮无法被点击的问题。    提供了一个可以关闭按钮弹出和收回动画(从而使其立即弹出或收回)的config设置。 v1.0.1: 规划巨构建筑的按钮被放回了巨构面板的左下角,为了避免遮挡游戏原有按钮,新的按钮会在不用时自动隐藏。    更正了一些文本错误。    修复了一个导致恒星炮建造进度是负数的错误。    增加了游戏后期通过科学枢纽获取元数据的数量。    自动放入背包的多功能组件提示信息不再会在编辑巨构时反复弹出。 v1.0.0: 现在,星际组装厂产出的多功能组件可以选择直接被远程传送至机甲或使用接收器接收。具体描述见上方星际组装厂。    现在科学枢纽将根据产出科研点的速度提供少量元数据。    更正了一些文本错误。将巨构按钮移到了上方以免遮住游戏原本的一些按钮。    与另一个mod *They Come From Void* 进行联动并添加了新的巨构:尼克尔戴森光束。尼克尔戴森光束只有在你安装了该mod的2.0版本后才可用。为平衡,科学枢纽的研究速度仅在该mod中被削弱至1/3。 v0.4.1 & v0.4.2: 更新以适配游戏版本0.9.25.11985。 v0.4.0: 修改了一些物品图标,新增了一些指示说明。修复了一个在外太空航行时打开巨构编辑界面会导致报错的bug。 v0.3.3: 优化科学枢纽产出研究速度的计算逻辑。    现在科学枢纽可以独立完成解锁任何科技的全过程。 v0.3.2: 科学枢纽的基础研究速度还原至最初版本,但每级科技提供的加成由100%下调至1%。 v0.3.1: 修复一个图标缺失的问题。 v0.3.0: 现在新物品(除了新的接收器)可以出现在生产统计面板中;     新增了两种接收器来接收高能石墨和光栅石。 v0.2.0: 科学枢纽的基础研究速度被降至原有的1/10;     修改部分游戏内的戴森球文本描述。