jinxOAO / DSPmod_MoreMegaStructures

Add more megastructures.
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Error log #39

Open SecretLars opened 1 month ago

SecretLars commented 1 month ago
An error has occurred! Game version
13 Mods used: [ErrorAnalyzer1.1.0] [AchievementsEnabler1.4.0] [Bottleneck1.1.3] [SplitterOverBelt1.1.6] [LDBTool3.0.1] [DSP Mod Save1.2.1] [DSP Common API1.6.5.0] [MoreMegaStructure1.5.3] [FractionateEverything.CheckPlugins1.4.0] [FractionateEverything1.4.0] [MMSBottleneckCompat1.0] [WaterElectrolysis1.2] [GigaStationsUpdated2.3.7] 
IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
StationComponent.DetermineDispatch (System.Single shipSailSpeed, System.Single shipWarpSpeed, System.Int32 shipCarries, System.Int32 priorityIndex, StationComponent[] gStationPool, FactoryProductionStat[] factoryStatPool, PlanetFactory[] factories, GalaxyData galaxy);(0)
GalacticTransport.GameTick (System.Int64 time);(0)
GameData.GameTick (System.Int64 time);(0)
GameMain.FixedUpdate ();(0)
== Mod patches on the stack ==
GameTick(Postfix): static void MoreMegaStructure.MoreMegaStructure::GameTickPostPatch(long time)
GameTick(Postfix): static void MoreMegaStructure.StarCannon::PreventBulletExplodeEffect()
GameTick(Postfix): static void FractionateEverything.Main.FractionatorLogic::GameData_GameTick_Postfix(long time)
jinxOAO commented 1 month ago

Can't find out what is going wrong by this. You can install the illine mod to see which line threw an error.

starfi5h commented 1 month ago

StationComponent.DetermineDispatch is for ILS/PLS behavior, which is more likely the issue of GigaStationsUpdated mod

SecretLars commented 1 month ago

Can't find out what is going wrong by this. You can install the illine mod to see which line threw an error.

I've tried every which way to install it. It doesn't change the error message and if it is made into a log somewhere I don't know where to look. I've tried removing the mod that allows you to copy the error message. The mod doesn't give any information so I have no clue what to do.

jinxOAO commented 1 month ago

Then try to uninstall the GigaStationUpdated. Remove all related buildings first if possible.