jiongjiongJOJO / lineageos_android_xigua

Ace 2 Pro lineageOS try build(小白测试,完全不完善,请勿尝试)
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Getting started

To get started with Android/LineageOS, you'll need to get familiar with Source Control Tools.

Initialize your local repository as you usually do for LineageOS :

repo init -u -b lineage-20.0 --git-lfs

To build for the Oneplus ACE 2 Pro, you will need specific repositories. Use these commands to sync them :

mkdir .repo/local_manifests && wget -O .repo/local_manifests/xigua.xml

Then to sync up:

repo sync

Do not forget to git lfs pull, just in case:

repo forall -c 'git lfs pull'

Building for the Oneplus ACE 2 Pro

To build LineageOS for the Oneplus ACE 2 Pro, you will need to use a few commands.

Load your build environnement using this command:

. build/

Use the repopick command to cherry-pick kalama specific fixes:

repopick -t 13-taro-kalama

You're now ready to start the build:

lunch lineage_salami-userdebug

Flashing the images

Our work is currently based on the CPH2449_A25 firmware. If you're not running A25, flash it and boot it at least once before flashing your build. (CPH2449_A25 Full OTA)

Unlock your bootloader if you haven't done it before

fastboot flashing unlock

Put your phone in bootloader mode :

fastboot -w
fastboot reboot fastboot

Once your device is in bootloader mode, cd the cd command to navigate to your build out folder, most likely out/target/product/salami and run:

# Replace with your path
export ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT=~/android/LineageOS/out/target/product/salami
fastboot flashall

If you cannot flash your device using your build machine (for example if you're using a remote server to build LineageOS) copy all files in out/target/product/salami to a local machine (no need to copy the folders), and use all these commands to flash the images:

# Replace with your path
export ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT=/Users/dekefake/Downloads/LineageOS_images
fastboot flashall

If you want to flash Magisk right after flashing LineageOS, rather use fastboot flashall --skip-reboot and then flash Magisk using adb sideload in LineageOS recovery.

Updating firmware

To update your device, download a full OTA package and extract the firmware images using payload-dumper-go. Then, boot your device into FastbootD mode, and flash these images :

fastboot flash --slot=all abl abl.img
fastboot flash --slot=all aop_config aop_config.img
fastboot flash --slot=all aop aop.img
fastboot flash --slot=all bluetooth bluetooth.img
fastboot flash --slot=all cpucp cpucp.img
fastboot flash --slot=all devcfg devcfg.img
fastboot flash --slot=all dsp dsp.img
fastboot flash --slot=all engineering_cdt engineering_cdt.img
fastboot flash --slot=all featenabler featenabler.img
fastboot flash --slot=all hyp hyp.img
fastboot flash --slot=all imagefv imagefv.img
fastboot flash --slot=all keymaster keymaster.img
fastboot flash --slot=all modem modem.img
fastboot flash --slot=all oplus_sec oplus_sec.img
fastboot flash --slot=all oplusstanvbk oplusstanvbk.img
fastboot flash --slot=all qupfw qupfw.img
fastboot flash --slot=all shrm shrm.img
fastboot flash --slot=all splash splash.img
fastboot flash --slot=all tz tz.img
fastboot flash --slot=all uefi uefi.img
fastboot flash --slot=all uefisecapp uefisecapp.img
fastboot flash --slot=all xbl_config xbl_config.img
fastboot flash --slot=all xbl_ramdump xbl_ramdump.img
fastboot flash --slot=all xbl xbl.img