jisantuc / ifsc-client

Simple client for common things you might want to do when navigating the IFSC API
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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This repo holds a small client CLI and analysis scripts for asking questions above the history of IFSC results.


There are two components to the repository: a CLI client for fetching IFSC data and writing it to CSV and a few python scripts for creating plots and figures from those data.

CLI client

The CLI client is written in PureScript. Its source files live in ./src and ./test.

Tests depend on having a running mock of some of the IFSC endpoints. That mocking and source JSON files to serve at specific endpoints can be found in wiremock-mappings.json, and the test server can be started with docker compose -f docker-compose.test.yml up -d.

The easiest way to run the CLI program is with nix. To do so, you can run:

nix develop .#cli-client # 1
npm install # 2

# choose a year to write results to csv
purs-nix run season-to-csv -y 2021 -u https://components.ifsc-climbing.org # 3

docker compose -f docker-compose.test.yml up -d # 4
purs-nix test # 5

This series of commands will:

  1. enter the cli-client development shell configured in this repo's flake.nix
  2. install node modules specified in the package-lock.json file
  3. run the season-to-csv command for year 2021, using the live IFSC service as a base URL
  4. start a mock server to run tests against
  5. run all of the client's tests

You could also technically run the CLI with spago. To do so, you'd need to copy project configuration over to your package.dhall and spago.dhall files. If you've attempted this and believe it should have worked but it didn't for some reason, please leave a thumbs up on #11.

Analysis scripts

Once you have all of the data, you can analyze it. Source files for data analysis are in ./analysis.

I threw all of the CSVs from the CLI client into a folder at the top of this directory called ard (for "analysis-ready data"). You can see the whole workflow in the main function defined in analysis/questions.py. In short, it's:

  1. read the data
  2. make the difficulty figures
  3. make the separation figures

More information is available in the analysis README`.


With nix


nix develop .#cli-client
npm install
# choose a year to write results to csv
purs-nix run season-to-csv -y 2021 -u https://components.ifsc-climbing.org

The CLI program is written in PureScript. All source for the CLI program can be found in ./src. Analysis scripts are in Python. All Python source can be found in ./analysis. If you'd like to run the CLI program or the Python scripts, your best bet is getting set up with nix, enabling flakes, and running nix develop to drop into a dev shell with everything available.

PureScript dependencies can be found in the flake.nix ps = ... block. Python dependencies can be found in analysis.nix. You're free to get things set up however you want, but you'll have a much easier time with nix.

Without nix

If you'd like this, please leave a thumbs up on #11.


I can't re-publish the downloaded data because the IFSC terms and conditions explicitly forbid it. I'm choosing to use the data gathered here under the terms that I've downloaded it for caching purposes. If you choose to use the CLI program to download the data for your own purposes, you should consider whether you think the activity is forbidden by those terms and conditions. I believe that use here is not automated data collection / data harvesting since it's not automated and the interaction with IFSC is restricted to well-formed HTTP requests to an unauthenticated REST API. You should make your own judgments on that front.