jisungbin / dependency-graph-plugin

A simple Gradle plugin that shows the dependency graph of the project.
MIT License
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dependency-graph gradle-plugin


A simple Gradle plugin that shows the dependency graph of the project.


Download maven-central

use 1.1.0 version!

plugins {
    id("land.sungbin.dependency.graph.plugin") version "$version"


  1. Download graphviz.
  2. Setting dependencyGraphConfig.
  3. Run ./gradlew dependencyGraph.
dependencyGraphConfig {
     * The path where the dot file of the graph will be generated.
     * The png of the graph is generated along this path, too.
     * Default is "generated/dependency-graph/project.dot".
    dotFilePath = "generated/dependency-graph/project.dot"

     * Whether to automatically delete the dot file after
     * the png is created from the dot file of the graph.
     * Default is `true`.
    autoDeleteDotFile = true

     * Name to be displayed at the top of the graph.
     * Default is `null`.
     * `null` means: `${project.rootProject.name}`
    projectName = null // String type 

     * The default **Hex** color to use when graphing uncolored dependencies.
     * Defaults to `#eeeeee`, skipped graphing if `null` is provided.
    defaultDependencyColor = "#eeeeee" // String? type

     * The format in which the graph image will be generated.
     * Default is [OutputFormat.PNG].
    outputFormat = OutputFormat.PNG // OutputFormat Type. Available: PNG, SVG, JPG

     * **[REQUIRE]** Add dependency information to the graph.
     * @param builder The lambda that calculates the dependency information.
     *  - project: Instances of the Project to compute information
     * @return A dependency information object. See [DependencyInfo].
    fun dependencyBuilder(builder: (project: Project) -> DependencyInfo?)

 * A dependency information object.
 * @param color **Hex** color of the dependency
 * @param isBoxShape Whether that dependency will be displayed as a rectangle on the graph.
 * The default value is `false`, and in case of `false`, it is displayed as an oval.
data class DependencyInfo(
    val color: String,
    val isBoxShape: Boolean = false,


You can check sample project at here.

// example 1
dependencyGraphConfigs {
    dependencyBuilder { project ->
        with(project.plugins) {
            when {
                hasPlugin("project.three") -> DependencyInfo("#81d4fa", isBoxShape = true)
                hasPlugin("project.two") -> DependencyInfo("#ffc9ba")
                hasPlugin("project.one") -> DependencyInfo("#fcb96a")
                else -> null

// example 2
dependencyGraphConfigs {
    dotFilePath = "assets/dependency-graph/project.dot"

    dependencyBuilder { project ->
        with(project) {
            when {
                plugins.hasPlugin(PluginEnum.AndroidApplication) -> DependencyInfo("#baffc9", isBoxShape = true)
                plugins.hasPlugin(PluginEnum.AndroidDfm) -> DependencyInfo("#c9baff")
                plugins.hasPlugin(PluginEnum.JavaLibrary) -> DependencyInfo("#ffc9ba")
                name.startsWith(UtilModulePrefix) -> DependencyInfo("#ffebba")
                name.startsWith(FeatureModulePrefix) && !name.contains(OnlyUiFeatureModulePrefix) -> DependencyInfo("#81d4fa")
                name.startsWith(UiFeatureModulePrefix) -> DependencyInfo("#00aeff")
                plugins.hasPlugin(PluginEnum.AndroidLibrary) -> DependencyInfo("#fcb96a")
                else -> null


The original implementation is by JakeWharton.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. Please refer to the LICENSE file for details.