H5 编辑器。通过拖拉拽生成漂亮的HTML页面,并支持各种动画效果、 黑暗模式、国际化。可用于制作各类邀请函、请柬、活动宣传页面等。可生成纯html5页面,兼容所有主流浏览器,小程序等。
H5 Editor. Generate beautiful HTML pages through drag-and-drop, with support for various animation effects. It can be used to create various invitations, cards, event promotional pages, and more. Compatible with all mainstream browsers, including mini-programs, etc.
vite: 4.4.5
vue: 3.3.4
vue-router: 4.2.5
pinia: 2.1.6
element-plus: 2.3.14
axios: 1.5.0
Please refer to the package.json document for details.
See H5 Editor
Illustration 1: Menu Options. Here, click on the menu to select and add different types of materials, including images, backgrounds, music, maps, effects, etc.
Illustration 2: Material List. Click or drag the corresponding material to add it to the template creation area in Illustration 4.
图示3:样式选择区。选择相应的样式可改变素材的外观、形状、大小、颜色等。 Illustration 3: Style Selection Area. Choosing the appropriate style can change the appearance, shape, size, color, etc., of the material.
Illustration 4: Production Area. Visualize the creation of your desired HTML template by dragging and dropping and selecting different styles.
Illustration 5: Add Animation. Provides various commonly used animations. Select the appropriate animation to immediately see the effect.
Illustration 6: Layer Selection. Here, you can quickly select the corresponding material and drag it to change the material's layer.
Illustration 7: Page Selection. Choose the page you want to edit, and you can also add, copy, move, or delete pages.
Illustration 8: Common Operations. Here, you can perform common operations on the editor, such as undo, redo, copy, delete, add text, zoom in/out of the editor, add guidelines, preview, save, etc.
Illustration 9: Here, you can set dark mode, language, and perform login/logout operations.
图示10: 这里可打开编辑器操作指引与反馈建议。
Illustration 10: Here, you can open the editor's operational guidance and provide feedback and suggestions.
npm install
Run with simulated API data
npm run Mock
See http://localhost:8000/h5-editor
Run in development mode
npm run dev
npm run build
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If you find it useful, please give a Star. A Star is my motivation for updates.
The above English text was translated using ChatGPT.