jjjkkkjjj / Matft

Numpy-like library in swift. (Multi-dimensional Array, ndarray, matrix and vector library)
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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How to contribute - have some small numpy / scipy vDSP implementations #43

Open vade opened 1 year ago

vade commented 1 year ago

Hi there

Ive got a few minor implementations of some numpy / scipy functions on vectors in vDSP along with associated XCTests that I think would make good contributions to Matft.

I'm curious how to best / properly implement these into Matft, as it seems like having a single home for them makes sense, and your code seems very well organized.

I'm not entirely sure of the code structure / best place to implement the logic in a generic way that leverages Matfts existing code base.

Do you have any suggestions?

numpy.allclose() as an extension to Array (without NaN equality)

func allCloseTo(array: [Float], rtol: Float = 1e-5, atol: Float = 1e-8) -> Bool
        precondition(self.count == array.count, "Arrays must have same size")

        let absDiff = vDSP.absolute( vDSP.subtract(self, array) )

        let maxAbsDiff = vDSP.maximum(absDiff)

        let scaledTol = Swift.max(atol, rtol * vDSP.maximum( vDSP.absolute(self) + vDSP.absolute(array) ) )

        return maxAbsDiff <= scaledTol


func CosineDistance(_ v1: [Float], _ v2: [Float]) -> Float
    precondition(v1.count == v2.count, "Arrays must have same size")

    var dotProduct: Float = 0.0
    var v1Norm: Float = 0.0
    var v2Norm: Float = 0.0

    let n = vDSP_Length(v1.count)

    // Calculate dot product of v1 and v2
    vDSP_dotpr(v1, 1, v2, 1, &dotProduct, n)

    // Calculate the Euclidean norm of v1
    vDSP_svesq(v1, 1, &v1Norm, n)
    v1Norm = sqrt(v1Norm)

    // Calculate the Euclidean norm of v2
    vDSP_svesq(v2, 1, &v2Norm, n)
    v2Norm = sqrt(v2Norm)

    // Calculate cosine distance
    let distance = 1.0 - (dotProduct / (v1Norm * v2Norm))

    return distance

and scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter_1d as array extensions allowing one to cache the computed gaussian kernel.

Note I only really implement the default padding of reflect so far.

 static func generateGaussianKernel(sigma:Float, truncate:Float = 4.0) -> [Float]
        let radius:Int = Int( ceil(truncate * sigma) )
        let sigma2 = sigma * sigma
        let x:[Float] = Array<Int>( ( -radius ... radius  ) ).map { Float( $0 ) }
        let x2 = vForce.pow(bases: x, exponents: [Float](repeating: 2.0, count: x.count) )
        let y = vDSP.multiply(-0.5 / sigma2, x2)
        let phi_x = vForce.exp(y)
        return vDSP.divide(phi_x, vDSP.sum(phi_x))

    enum PaddingMode {
        case reflect
        case edge

    private func padInputArray(_ input: [Float], sigma: Float, truncate: Float, paddingMode: PaddingMode) -> [Float] {
        var paddedInput = [Float]()
        let windowSize = Int(2.0 * sigma * truncate + 1.0)
        let padSize = Swift.max(windowSize - input.count, 0)

        if padSize > 0
            switch (paddingMode)
                case .reflect:

                var paddingStart:[Float]
                var paddingEnd:[Float]

                // If we pad less than our input arrays count, we select what we need from the input array
                // This wont be a 'full' pad, as we wont have all items in the array
                if padSize <= input.count
                    paddingStart = Array<Float>( input[ 0 ..< Int(padSize)].reversed() )
                    paddingEnd = Array<Float>( input[ input.count - Int(padSize) ..< input.count].reversed() )
                // Otherwise, we repeat reflection until we accrue pad size
                    paddingStart = input.reversed()
                    paddingEnd = paddingStart

                    while paddingStart.count <= padSize
                        paddingStart.insert(contentsOf: paddingStart.reversed(), at: 0)
                        paddingEnd.append(contentsOf: paddingEnd.reversed())

                        paddingStart = paddingStart.reversed()
                        paddingEnd = paddingEnd.reversed()

                    paddingStart = Array<Float>( paddingStart.suffix( Int(sigma * truncate)  ) )
                    paddingEnd = Array<Float>( paddingEnd.prefix( Int(sigma * truncate) ) )

                paddedInput.append(contentsOf: paddingStart)
                paddedInput.append(contentsOf: input)
                paddedInput.append(contentsOf: paddingEnd)


            case .edge:
                let edge = input.first ?? 0.0
                paddedInput = Array(repeating: edge, count: padSize) + input + Array(repeating: edge, count: padSize)

            return paddedInput

        return input


    // Make sure your Sigma and Truncate values match above:
    func gaussianFilter1D(kernel:[Float], sigma:Float, truncate:Float = 4.0, paddingMode:PaddingMode = .reflect) -> [Float]
        let paddedInput = self.padInputArray(self, sigma:sigma, truncate:truncate, paddingMode:paddingMode)

        var output = [Float](repeating: 0.0, count: self.count)

        vDSP.convolve(paddedInput, withKernel: kernel, result: &output)

        // Technically is this needed, our sum is always 1 ?
//        vDSP.divide(output, sigma, result: &output)
//        let sum = vDSP.sum(kernel)
//        vDSP.multiply(sum, output, result: &output)

        return output
jjjkkkjjj commented 1 year ago

@vade I apologize for very late response. (I didn't notice your message...) First, thank you for your willing to contribute to Matft! My implementation is following rule, (but not decide strictly)

  1. First, when i want to use Accelerate framework, such like vDSP_** or cblas_**, put codes regarding to Accelerate into Sources/Matft/library/*.swift. I use the vDSP_vneg(D) (known as negative operation) as the example following this explanation. So, because i want to use vDSP_vneg(D) function, put codes into Sources/Matft/library/vDSP.swift.
  2. Next, to use the vDSP function, I split codes in vDSP.swift into 3 blocks.
internal typealias vDSP_convert_func<T, U> = (UnsafePointer<T>, vDSP_Stride, UnsafeMutablePointer<U>, vDSP_Stride, vDSP_Length) -> Void

Original code

Note: vDSP_vneg's arguments are same as some conversion functions (e.g. vDSP_vdpsp) when i use two generic types (T and U)

/// Wrapper of vDSP conversion function
/// - Parameters:
///   - srcptr: A source pointer
///   - srcStride: A source stride
///   - dstptr: A destination pointer
///   - dstStride: A destination stride
///   - size: A size to be copied
///   - vDSP_func: The vDSP conversion function
internal func wrap_vDSP_convert<T, U>(_ size: Int, _ srcptr: UnsafePointer<T>, _ srcStride: Int, _ dstptr: UnsafeMutablePointer<U>, _ dstStride: Int, _ vDSP_func: vDSP_convert_func<T, U>){
    vDSP_func(srcptr, vDSP_Stride(srcStride), dstptr, vDSP_Stride(dstStride), vDSP_Length(size))

Original code

/// Pre operation mfarray by vDSP
/// - Parameters:
///   - mfarray: An input mfarray
///   - vDSP_func: vDSP_convert_func
/// - Returns: Pre operated mfarray
internal func preop_by_vDSP<T: MfStorable>(_ mfarray: MfArray, _ vDSP_func: vDSP_convert_func<T, T>) -> MfArray{
    //return mfarray must be either row or column major
    var mfarray = mfarray
    mfarray = check_contiguous(mfarray)

    let newdata = MfData(size: mfarray.storedSize, mftype: mfarray.mftype)
    newdata.withUnsafeMutableStartPointer(datatype: T.self){
        dstptrT in
        mfarray.withUnsafeMutableStartPointer(datatype: T.self){
            [unowned mfarray] in
            wrap_vDSP_convert(mfarray.storedSize, $0, 1, dstptrT, 1, vDSP_func)
            //vDSP_func($0.baseAddress!, vDSP_Stride(1), dstptrT, vDSP_Stride(1), vDSP_Length(mfarray.storedSize))

    let newstructure = MfStructure(shape: mfarray.shape, strides: mfarray.strides)
    return MfArray(mfdata: newdata, mfstructure: newstructure)

Original code

  1. Finally, use the **_by_vDSP in the Matft public function which the users can use in Sources/Matft/function/**/@@.swift. The public function is in Sources/Matft/function/static or Sources/Matft/function/method. Because Matft stores float or double as StoredType, I change the argument of the **_by_vDSP.
    Element-wise negativity
    - parameters:
        - mfarray: mfarray
public static func neg(_ mfarray: MfArray) -> MfArray{
    switch mfarray.storedType{
        case .Float:
            return preop_by_vDSP(mfarray, vDSP_vneg)
        case .Double:
            return preop_by_vDSP(mfarray, vDSP_vnegD)

Original code