jkbrzt / cointrol

฿ Bitcoin trading bot with a real-time dashboard for Bitstamp.
MIT License
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RuntimeError: populate() isn't reentrant #1

Closed wolframite closed 8 years ago

wolframite commented 8 years ago

I'm trying to make the Cointrol work on a Raspberry PI 2. I'm following the instructions from the README until cointrol/manage.py syncdb --noinput, which gives me an error: https://gist.github.com/Lunatic666/093f09a614ad8bbd16d6

I'm executing everything as non-root user on a Python 3.4.3 environment

jkbrzt commented 8 years ago

Strange, I'm unable to reproduce this. Just tried following the instruction on my Mac again and everything works fine for me.

wolframite commented 8 years ago

Yes, it must be the Raspberry PI Python, I tried it on a CentOS box, everything works fine there...

jkbrzt commented 8 years ago

Ok, good luck with that :+1: Feel free to re-open.