Cointrol is a Bitcoin trading bot and real-time dashboard for Bitstamp created by @jkbrzt.
Cointrol was created to automate Bitcoin speculation. Besides automated trading based on price change triggers and various trading strategies, it also provides a real-time updated dashboard for your Bitstamp account where you can see all your orders and transactions real-time updated (something Bitstamp lacks). The dashboard for a real-time updated overview can also be used standalone without letting Cointrol make any transactions.
Even though the original idea was to perhaps provide a fully-fledged hosted service, the system remained quite basic as it has only been used by its creator for a period of time in the winter of '13/'14 (when BTC price fluctuations were pretty insane). Some of the obvious limitations—all of which could easily be addressed—are:
Even though Cointrol has been used for real transactions, no guarantees are provided in terms of security, correctness, etc. (see LICENCE
The system consists of the following components:
The server-side parts (cointrol-server
+ cointrol-trader
) are written in Python 3 (3.3+ is required) and use a mixture of Django (models, admin) and Tornado (WebSockets, async IO). Other libraries that are used include sockjs-tornado, Django REST framework.
The single-page webapp is written in CoffeeScript, Sass, Handlebars and uses Backbone.js, Brunch, socksjs-client, Bootstrap.
Make sure you have the following software installed on your system:
& cointrol-trader
mkdir Cointrol && cd Cointrol
# Create an isolated Python virtual environment
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv ./virtualenv --python=$(which python3)
# Activate the virtualenv
# IMPORTANT: it needs to be activated every time before you run
# a or cointrol-* command.
. virtualenv/bin/activate
# Get the code
git clone
# Create a local settings file
echo 'from .settings_dev import *' > cointrol/cointrol/conf/
# Install Python requirements
pip install -r cointrol/cointrol/conf/requirements.txt
# Initialize the database
cointrol/ migrate
# Install cointrol-*
pip install -e ./cointrol
# Install dependencies
sudo npm -g install bower
cd cointrol/webapp
npm install
bower install
# Build the app
brunch build
# Use `brunch watch` during development
. virtualenv/bin/activate
cointrol/ createsuperuser
Go to Create a new key and configure permissions for it. Cointrol needs at least the following permissions:
Account balance
User transactions
Open orders
If you want Cointrol make transactions for you, select two following permissions as well:
Buy limit order
Sell limit order
Don't forget to activate the key by clicking "Activate" and confirming the email you receive from Bitstamp.
. virtualenv/bin/activate
By default, it will run on http://localhost:8000. You can change the port with --port=<port>
Use this convenient link to log in: http://localhost:8000/admin/login/?next=/ — the Django admin interface is used for authentication, and this link ensures redirection back to the app after signing you in.
Connection indicator colors explained:
Green: The web app has a WebSocket connection to cointrol-server
, and have recently heard from cointrol-trader
Amber: The web app has a WeSocket connection to cointrol-server
, but
have not heard from cointrol-trader
in a while.
Red: The web app couldn't establish WebSocket connection to cointrol-server
. virtualenv/bin/activate
Note, until trading is configured and the COINTROL_DO_TRADE
settings set to True
(covered in a later step), the trader won't make any transactions. It only pulls your data from Bitstamp to populate the dashboard view.
Until the following steps are completed and trading is explicitly enabled, Cointrol doesn't attempt to make any transaction on your behalf:
module which disables them). Add COINTROL_DO_TRADE = True
to your cointrol/cointrol/conf/
.The settings is resolved in this order:
During the installation process, you've created cointrol/cointrol/conf/
which imports settings from the
file. All the settings are Django settings. The only non-Django settings is COINTROL_DO_TRADE
in dev
, True
in prod
). You can override any of the default settings in the
, the conf
directory also has
, which is more suitable for production use. It defines logging configuration which makes messages of a level >=
logged by the trader to be sent to you via email (e.g. when the trader places an order or there is an error). If you decide to use this settings file (by changing the import in
to from .settings_prod import *
, you'll have to configure at least DATABASES
as well in your in
Jakub Roztocil