Note, I no longer own this laptop. I won't support this config anymore, but it probably still works as of 2022.
This laptop is a Hackintosher's dream. Inexpensive, relatively new, and contains two drive bays! Yes, my friends, dualbooting Windows and MacOS has never been easier in a laptop, so let's get started.
This is pretty good, but let's get the details.
Download OpenCore onto one flash drive, and replace the files in this repo. You must enter your own serial number and ID for use. Use another flash drive to flash MacOS onto it. Guide. Everything should be dandy with the install.
We need two workarounds currently to get things in shape.
You must have a wireless chip that works out of the box for Apple Watch Unlock. Even on a real Mac this is a pain! It may just work to press the box, but what did it for me was flushing the routes.
You might be able to use the built in card, but I am unable to test this.