jkimlab / msPIPE

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Or you can use msPIPE on docker without having to prepare the environment. \< Recommended>
:point_right: HOW TO USE msPIPE on docker Docker


git clone https://github.com/jkimlab/msPIPE.git


Running command

/PATH/TO/msPIPE/msPIPE.py -p params.conf -o OUTDIR 

Preparing an input parameter file

The parameter file must contain information necessary for pipeline execution.

Additional options

msPIPE options

 usage: msPIPE.py [-h] --param params.conf --out PATH [--core int] [--qvalue float] [--skip_trimming] [--program bismark or bs2]
                            [--bsmooth] [--skip_mapping] [--skip_calling] [--calling_data PATH] [--skip_GMA] [--skip_DMR]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --param params.conf, -p params.conf
                        config format parameter file
  --out PATH, -o PATH   output directory
  --core int, -c int    core (default:5)
  --qvalue float, -q float
                        q-value cutoff (default:0.5)
  --skip_trimming       skip the trimgalore trimming
  --program bismark or bs2
                        program option for mapping & calling
  --bsmooth             use bsmooth for DMR analysis
  --skip_mapping        skip the bismark mapping
  --skip_calling        skip the methylation calling
  --calling_data PATH, -m PATH
                        methylCALL directory
  --skip_GMA            skip the Gene-Methyl analysis
  --skip_DMR            skip the DMR analysis

Software options

You can choose the software to be used for analysis by selecting the module.

  1. WGBS reads mapping & calling (--program bismark or bs2).
    Use this option to select the tools to be used for mapping and calling of wgbs reads.
    --program bismark : use Bismark with bowtie2 (default)
    --program bs2 : use BS-Seeker2 with bowtie

  2. Differential methylation analysis (--bsmooth)
    With this option, BSmooth is used to analyze instead of methylKit and inhouse script.

Skip options

You can leave out some pipeline steps with the --skip_\<STEP> option.
The main steps of the entire pipeline and the steps that can be omitted are as follows.

  1. Check all input.
  2. Prepare bisulfite-converted reference genome (Bismark or BS-Seeker2)
    • It will be skipped if the same assembly name of the bisulfite genome has already been created under msPIPE/reference/ directory.
  3. WGBS reads trimming (TrimGalore)
    • Can drop with --skip_trimming option.
    • Trimmed reads to be used in mapping can be delivered through the TRIMMEDFILE* parameters. ([LIB1] on below format)
    • Without TRIMMEDFILE* parameters, the pipeline searches the files on the output directory.
  4. WGBS reads mapping (Bismark or BS-Seeker2)
    • Can drop with --skip_mapping option.
    • Mapping file to be used in the next step can be delivered through the BAM_FILE parameter. ([LIB2] on below format)
    • Without BAM_FILE parameter, the pipeline searches the file on the output directory.
  5. Methylation calling (Bismark or BS-Seeker2)
    • Can drop with --skip_calling option.
    • Pipeline use calling output on the output directory.
    • Other msPIPE calling output can be given with the --calling_data option.
  6. Gene-Methylation analysis (Methylation profiling and Hypomethylated region analysis)
    • Can drop with --skip_GMA option.
  7. Differential methylation analysis
    • Can drop with --skip_DMR option.

Running example

Analysis Output

All output created by msPIPE will be written to the methylCALL and Analysis directories in the given output directory. The output of pre-processing (read files processed by trimming and quality control), alignment, and methylation calling for each input library (named with LIB_NAME in config file) will be in methylCALL directory. The output of methylation analysis will be in Analysis directory.

If DMC/DMR analysis is performed, DMR directory will be created in Analysis directory. When the DMC/DMR analysis is performed, GO enrichment test will be carried out for the gene set with DMCs or DMRs in their promoter.

Using Docker

Building msPIPE docker image

git clone https://github.com/jkimlab/msPIPE.git
cd msPIPE
docker build -t jkimlab/mspipe:latest .

Preparing an input parameter file for Docker

Running pipeline on Docker

 #docker run -v [local path]:[docker path] [docker image name] [msPIPE command]

 docker run -v /PATH/TO/INPUT/DATA:/msPIPE/data:ro -v /PATH/TO/REUSABLE/REFERENCE:/msPIPE/reference -v /PATH/TO/OUTDIR:/work_dir/ jkimlab/mspipe:latest msPIPE.py -p params_docker.conf -o result
