jkimlab / mySyntenyPortal

A stand-alone application for constructing websites for visualizing and browsing synteny blocks
GNU General Public License v3.0
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A stand-alone application for constructing websites for visualizing and browsing synteny blocks

Quick start

git clone https://github.com/jkimlab/mySyntenyPortal.git
cd mySyntenyPortal
perl ./install.pl build
sudo perl ./install.pl install
perl ./mySyntenyPortal build -conf ./configurations/sample.conf

System requirements

Download source

git clone https://github.com/jkimlab/mySyntenyPortal.git

Installing mySyntenyPortal

To install mySyntenyPortal, use the 'install.pl' perl script.

Usage:  ./install.pl [build|install|clean] <parameters>

 ** It requires a 'sudo' privilege for the 'install' command. **

Simple examples:
    ./install.pl build
    ./install.pl install
    ./install.pl clean

    build    =>  complile third party tools and set path information
    install  =>  make a symbolic link in the web root directory
    clean    =>  clean up third party tools and remove the symbolic link in the web root directory

  [ install ]
    -webroot_path|w => Apache web root path (default: /var/www/html)
    -manager_name|m => Website manager name (default: mySyntenyPortal)

  [ clean ]
    -manager_name|m => Website manager name (default: mySyntenyPortal)

When mySyntenyPortal is successfully installed, you can access the website manager

Building or removing a website

To build or remove a website, you need to write a configuration file. Then, you can use the 'mySyntenyPortal' perl script.

Usage:  ./mySyntenyPortal [build|remove] <parameters>

  ** It may require a 'sudo' privilege. **

Simple examples:
    ./mySyntenyPortal build -p 10 -conf ./configurations/sample.conf
    ./mySyntenyPortal remove -website_name Sample_website

    build              => build a website
    remove             => remove a website

  [ build ]
    -conf|c            => Configuration file
    -core|p            => Number of threads (default: 10)

  [ remove ]
    -website_name|w    => Website name
    -conf|c            => Configuration file

You can build a website by using two types of input data which are assembly sequences or synteny block definitions.

Third party tools

How to cite

Lee J, Lee D, Sim M, Kwon D, Kim J, Ko Y, Kim J. mySyntenyPortal: an application package to construct websites for synteny block analysis. BMC Bioinformatics. 2018 Jun 5;19(1):216. doi: 10.1186/s12859-018-2219-x.

