jkoelker / pyramid_stripe

Stripe helpers for pyramid
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pyramid_stripe - Stripe helpers for pyramid

pyramid_stipe provides tools to make integrating stripe payments into a pyramid app easier.

Getting Started

In your application's configuration stanza (where you create a Pyramid "Configurator"), use the config.include method::



The settings registry should have the key stripe.api_key set to your stripe 'Secret Key'. You can add this to the Paste .ini file. For exampe::

strip.api_key = 0000000000000000000000000000000

Current Features


A webhook url will be created for converting webhooks to pyramid events. By
default this lives at ``/stripe``. If you wish to relocate this you can
specify a prefix to ``config.include``. For example, to place the webhook
url at ``/other/stripe`` do::

   config.include("pyramid_stripe", "/other")

Events will then be sent to subscribers.


The following events are avialible in the ``pyramid_stripe.events`` module

- Stripe
- Account
- AccountUpdated
- ExternalAccount
- ExternalAccountCreated
- ExternalAccountDeleted
- ExternalAccountUpdated
- BalanceAvailable
- Bitcoin
- BitcoinReceiverCreated
- BitcoinReceiverFilled
- BitcoinReceiverUpdated
- BitcoinReceiverTransactionCreated
- Charge
- ChargeCaptured
- ChargeFailed
- ChargeRefunded
- ChargeSucceeded
- ChargeUpdated
- ChargeFailed
- ChargeDispute
- ChargeDisputeClosed
- ChargeDisputeCreated
- ChargeDisputeFundsReinstated
- ChargeDisputeFundsWithdrawn
- ChargeDisputeUpdated
- Coupon
- CouponCreated
- CouponDeleted
- CouponUpdated
- Customer
- CustomerCreated
- CustomerDeleted
- CustomerUpdated
- CustomerBankAccountDeleted
- CustomerDiscount
- CustomerDiscountCreated
- CustomerDiscountDeleted
- CustomerDiscountUpdated
- CustomerSource
- CustomerSourceCreated
- CustomerSourceDeleted
- CustomerSourceUpdated
- CustomerSubscription
- CustomerSubscriptionCreated
- CustomerSubscriptionDeleted
- CustomerSubscriptionTrialWillEnd
- CustomerSubscriptionUpdated
- Invoice
- InvoiceCreated
- InvoicePaymentFailed
- InvoicePaymentSucceeded
- InvoiceUpdated
- InvoiceItem
- InvoiceItemCreated
- InvoiceItemDeleted
- InvoiceItemUpdated
- Order
- OrderCreated
- OrderPaymentFailed
- OrderPaymentSucceeded
- OrderUpdated
- Plan
- PlanCreated
- PlanDeleted
- PlanUpdated
- Product
- ProductCreated
- ProductUpdated
- Recipient
- RecipientCreated
- RecipientDeleted
- RecipientUpdated
- Sku
- SkuCreated
- SkuUpdated
- Transfer
- TransferCreated
- TransferFailed
- TransferPaid
- TransferReversed
- TransferUpdated
- Ping

Events are considered heirarchial and all events below the event type are
notified. For example, when the webhook is called with a
``customer.subscription.created`` event. The ``Stripe``, ``Customer``,
``CustomerSubcription``, and ``CustomerSubcriptionCreated`` event
subscribers will all be notified. The exception is ``invoiceitem`` (``InvoiceItem``) which is *not* a child of ``invoice`` (``Invoice``).

To handle all events, it is only necessary to subscribe to the ``Stripe``
event. Likewise, to handle all ``Customer`` events, it is only necessary to
subscribe to the ``Customer`` event.  For example::

    from pyramid.events import subscriber
    from pyramid_stripe import events

    def handle_discounts(event):
        stripe = event.request.stripe

        ... do stuff with the stripe event...

The stripe ``request`` property holds the ``stripe`` object. The
``stripe_raw`` property contains the unserialized json document from the