jkotra / wpc

WPC is a wallpaper changer for Windows/Linux
MIT License
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WPC stands for Wall Paper Changer.

WPC is a wallpaper changer for Microsoft Windows and Linux.

optionally, It can retrieve wallpapers from wallhaven.cc and subreddit of your choice (for example: /r/wallpaper)

Usage (-h) ``` Usage: wpc [OPTIONS] --directory Options: -d, --directory save / source directory. -c, --change-interval interval between wallpaper change. [default: 300] [aliases: interval] [short aliases: i] -f, --fetch-interval interval between each refresh from configures sources. [default: 3600] [aliases: update] [short aliases: u] --maxage maximum age of wallpaper. [default: -1] -s, --startup add WPC to startup. [short aliases: S] --rm-startup remove WPC from startup. -b, --background run WPC as background process. --set-theme --grayscale --force-dark-theme --theme-th [default: 50] --theme-dark-only --theme-light-only --trigger -w, --wallhaven wallhaven.cc plugin. --wallhaven-config wallhaven config file -r, --reddit reddit plugin. --subreddit [default: wallpaper] --reddit-n [default: 6] --reddit-sort [default: hot] [possible values: hot, popular, new, top, rising] --reddit-min-height [default: 1920] --reddit-min-width [default: 1080] -l, --local Include only local files. --dynamic Dynamically set wallpaper based on time. -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version ```



cargo build --release

Binary will be located at target/release/

How to use?

WPC is a command-line application i.e you need to run it from a command prompt or terminal.


Platform Command
Linux ./wpc -d . -c 60 -f 360 --startup
Windows wpc.exe -d . -c 60 -f 360 --startup

The above command(s) will change wallpaper(that are located at -d) every 60 seconds, check for new images every 360 seconds, and add WPC to startup with the same settings.

Dynamic Wallpaper

--dynamic option can be used to set dynamic wallpaper based on system time. the wallpaper is chosen from the provided json file.

example config.json ```sh ./wpc -d . --dynamic ~/Pictures/Fluent/config.json ``` `config.json`: ```json { "configs": [ { "hour": 0, "path": "Fluent-2.jpg", "darkmode": false }, { "hour": 11, "path": "Fluent-1.jpg", "darkmode": false }, { "hour": 16, "path": "Fluent-2.jpg", "darkmode": true }, { "hour": 18, "path": "Fluent-3.jpg", "darkmode": true } ] } ``` **Note**: Wallpaper hour is evaluated from 00 (Midnight). Make sure to edit your config accordingly.

Trigger Command on Wallpaper Change

You can invoke a custom command on every wallpaper change with --trigger arg. chosen computed parameters (such as Brightness) and options (theme variants) will be passed to chosen command in the form of arguments.

example trigger.json **NOTE**: *Only* use complete paths. ```json { "enabled": true, "bin": "/usr/bin/python", "file": "/home/jkotra/playground.py", "args": ["Brightness", "Grayscale", "ThemeDarkOnly", "ThemeLightOnly"] } ``` ```py import sys print('Hello WPC') with open("args.txt", "a+") as f: f.write(str(sys.argv)) f.close() ```

Web Plugins

Plugin Example
Wallhaven ./wpc -d . -w
Reddit ./wpc -d . --reddit --subreddit art --reddit-n 10 --reddit-sort top --reddit-min-width 1920 --reddit-min-height 1080


wallhaven API

Complete wallhaven API is implemented in api/wallhaven.rs


Platform Command
Linux RUST_LOG=DEBUG ./wpc -d .
Windows 10+ (PS) $env:RUST_LOG = "DEBUG"