jku-icg-classroom / va-project-2020-group-n-1

va-project-2020-group-n-1 created by GitHub Classroom
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Visual Analytics Lab Project 2020/21

Submission template for the Visual Analytics lab project at the Johannes Kepler University Linz.

Explanation: This README.md needs to be updated and pushed to github for the first and the final deadline. Change/extend the corresponding sections by replacing the [TODO] markers. In order to meet the deadlines make sure you push everything to your Github repository. For more details see Visual Analytics Moodle page Assignment 4.

Tip: Make yourself familiar with Markdown.

General Information

Due on 07.12.2020.

Group Members

Student ID First Name Last Name
K11938626 Vangel Paronov
k0151789 Paula Lun
k11707630 Johannes Kröpfl
k1018852 Hendrik Schlieper


Our dataset is a combination of several Gapminder datasets



Checkout this repo and change into the folder:

git clone https://github.com/jku-icg-classroom/va-project-2020-<GROUP_NAME>.git
cd va-project-2020-<GROUP_NAME>

Load the conda environment from the environment.yml file, if you haven't already in previous assignments:

conda env create -f environment.yml

Activate the loaded conda environment:

conda activate python-tutorial

Install Jupyter Lab extension to use ipywidgets in JupyterLab:

jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager

Launch Jupyter :

jupyter lab

Jupyter should open a new tab with url http://localhost:8888/ and display the tutorial files.


Go to: https://mybinder.org/ and paste your repository url to work online. MyBinder installs the dependencies specified inside of the environment.yml for you.

By default, it will launch to Jupyter Notebook, but you can switch to Jupyter Lab by simply appending ?urlpath=lab to the URL.

Note: MyBinder can not save to your repository, you need to download the notebooks and update the repository yourself!

Final Submission

Due on 11.01.2021.