jkuri / opencv-ffmpeg-rtmp-stream

OpenCV FFMpeg Live Video Stream over RTMP protocol.
MIT License
210 stars 59 forks source link

OpenCV FFMpeg RTMP Stream

Example of live video streaming over RTMP protocol using OpenCV and FFMpeg.

For streaming without using OpenCV check ffmpeg-webcam-rtmp-stream repository.

Installation Guide

Install FFMpeg

On MacOS.

brew install ffmpeg

On Ubuntu Linux.

sudo apt-get install ffmpeg libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libavutil-dev libswscale-dev libavresample-dev libavdevice-dev -y

Install OpenCV

For installing OpenCV there's a script inside scripts/ folder:


Run RTMP Server Docker image

docker run -it -p 1935:1935 -p 8080:8080 --name rtmp-server jkuri/urtmp

Then open your browser at http://localhost:8080 where you can watch your published streams.

uRTMP live stream

Compile & run

To compile source code just run:

mkdir -p build && cd build
cmake .. && make

Run the program to start streaming:


To set up different options for stream, here is ./rtmp-stream -h output

        ./rtmp-stream [-c <camera>] [-o <output>] [-f <fps>] [-w <width>] [-h <height>] [-b <bitrate>] [-p <profile>] [-l <log>]

        -c, --camera <camera>
                    camera ID (default: 0)

        -o, --output <output>
                    output RTMP server (default: rtmp://localhost/live/stream)

        -f, --fps <fps>
                    frames-per-second (default: 30)

        -w, --width <width>
                    video width (default: 800)

        -h, --height <height>
                    video height (default: 640)

        -b, --bitrate <bitrate>
                    stream bitrate in kb/s (default: 300000)

        -p, --profile <profile>
                    H264 codec profile (baseline | high | high10 | high422 | high444 | main) (default: high444)

        -l, --log <log>
                    print debug output (default: false)

Use VLC or ffplay to connect to live video stream:

ffplay -sync ext rtmp://localhost/live/stream