jlbuerer / LaMIRA

Lariat Mapping by Inverted Read Alignment
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Lariat Mapping by Inverted Read Alignment

This pipeline identifies RNA-seq reads that originate from lariats. Through iterative alignment, reads are called that contain adjacent segments that map to a 5' splice site and a downstream intronic segment (see figure below). This inverted alignment is a result of RT transcribing from a lariat and reading through the branchpoint. Once lariat reads are identified, post-processing scripts analyze the branchpoints implied by the read mapping.

This pipeline was developed by Allison Taggart and Luke Buerer. It implements the algorithm described in the Supplemental Methods of 'Large-scale analysis of branchpoint usage across species and cell lines'.

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Requires the following:


Lariat read mapping data is output to <out_dir>/lariat_reads/lariat_data_table.txt.

Column Description
1 Sample lariat is from
2 Inverted alignment type
3 Read ID
4 Raw read sequence
5 Chromosome
6 Strand
7 5' splice site coordinate
8 3' splice site coordinate
9 Branchpoint coordinate
10 Raw branchpoint sequence (10 nt window, position 5 is the BP)

\ The final analyzed branchpoint data is output to <out_dir>/bp_processing/BP_final_table.txt.

Column Name Description
1 chrom Chromosome of the branchpoint
2 coord Coordinate of the branchpoint
3 strand Strand of the branchpoint
4 model Model of branchpoint motif, one of: canonical, canonical2nt, canonicalC, TRAYTRY, TRANYTRY, none, circle, or template_switching
5 bp_seq Branchpoint Sequence - parentheses around bulge, BP nucleotide is left of *
6 bp_nt Branchpoint nucleotide
7 threep_ss Closest 3' splice site downstream of branchpoint coordinate
8 threep_dist Distance from branchpoint to 3' splice site
9 bp_pos Branchpoint distance category, one of: proximal (BP is between -1 and -10bps upstream of 3'SS), expected (BP is between -11 and -60bps upstream of 3'SS), distal (BP is >60bps upstream of 3'SS), circle (BP is an annotated 3'SS)
10 total_reads The total number of reads supporting this branchpoint
11 unique_reads The number of unique reads supporting this branchpoint
12 mut_qc Branchpoint mutation present in at least 1 read
13 multi_qc Branchpoint discovered in multiple RNA-seq sources
14 total_reads_pos Total read count (by position)
15 unique_reads_pos Unique Read Count (by position)
16 total_mut_pos Read Count with Mutation (by position)
17 unique_mut_pos Unique Read Count with Mutation (by position)
18 sources RNA-seq experiments with lariat reads for this branchpoint