jldeen / shorturl

MIT License
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URL Shortener - Powered by AWS ECS/Fargate, AWS Cognito, and Amazon DocumentDB,

forthebadge forthebadge
Open Source Love

A simple Express web app that shortens long urls and provides custom QR codes for the newly created short url. This app uses EJS as the template engine to render 3 views:

The application currently uses MongoDB (or Amazon DocumentDB) to store the following information:

The following configuration variable keys are used and stored in a config.json file:

Key Value
cognitoLoginUrl Example: https://[coginto-domain-prefix].auth.[region].amazoncognito.com
cognitoClientId Example: zam0d9r8i22h6fjl11c7cn3a0
siteUrl Example: s18s.io

The following environment variable keys are used and stored in a .env file:

Key Value
MONGODB Default formate: mongodb://url-here/dbName-here
AWS_DEFAULT_REGION Example: us-east-1
NODE_ENV Example: Production
PORT Example: 80
COGNITO_USER_POOL_ID Example: us-east-1_InV89Oqpl
COGNITO_CLIENT_SECRET Example: 324u3q48psm4g8hpo576vdji1sfmtdjk8lv1vbe28hneslhk20p



  1. npm install
  2. Run the command cp .env_sample .env
  3. If you do not have a mongodb instance easily accessible, it's recommended you run it in a docker container by using the following command: docker run -it -d -p 27017:27017 --name mongodb mongo
    • If you choose this method, the value for MONGODB will be mongodb://localhost:27017/urlShortener
  4. Enter the necessary information in the config.json and .env files located in the root of this project.



To be added...

Docker Local

Docker with ECS as context

  1. Create ECS context docker context create ecs ecs
  2. Specify which Docker context to use docker context use ecs
  3. Manually build the container image and push to repo of your choice I.E docker build . -f Dockerfile -t jldeen/shorturl:v5 && docker push jldeen/shorturl:v5 (Note: If using macOS M1, remember to add the --platform linux/amd64 flag to the build command)
  4. Update image in docker-compose-ecs.yml with the image you just built and pushed to your repo
  5. To deploy to ECS using Docker, run docker compose -f docker-compose-ecs.yml up

Things to be done

See the issues for opportunities to collaborate.