jleechpe / erc-gitter

ERC module for Gitter (irc.gitter.im)
15 stars 1 forks source link

ERC-Gitter is an ERC module with the goal of incorporating the features present in Gitter Chatrooms.

** Features

*** Planned

*** Currently unsupported

** Installation

This package has the following dependencies:

*** Git Development package To install the development package, follow the usual steps:

** Usage

Add ~erc-gitter~ to the list of ~erc-modules~ and update the list of modules.

+begin_src emacs-lisp

(add-to-list 'erc-modules 'gitter) (erc-update-modules)


Alternately, enable the module directly via ~M-x erc-gitter-enable~.

** Contributing

Please contribute. Doing any of the following will help