jlightheart24 / over-deliver

Delivery rating app
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OverDeliver is a rating application for delivery foods from restaurants and grocery stores.

Our Team

William Santee, Sarah Gambles, Jani Muhlestein, Jonathan Lightheart

User Story

In the time of global pandemic, people are relying more and more on necessary items to be delivered, and food is one of the most common delivery types. People need a place to rate their deliveries and the food they had delivered. Over Deliver is that place.

A user can sign up, and then go to their own dashboard, where they can create new reviews, and view and edit their existing ones.

They can view other reviews, like the top rated, trending, or a featured service.

They can also search for ratings by three different ways: showing the top ratings for the past two weeks, showing top ratings by specific rating, or showing ratings for a specific provider.

Future Plans

In the future, the user will be able to upload their own avatar, and add images that they have taken of the food they've received.

We plan on adding a comercial aspect by allowing restaurants, grocery stores, and delivery services to advertise.

We also plan on adding in email and text notification, and a social media aspect.

Technologies used

How to use

Just download and run npm install. Then, run npm start, and the node server will start.

Help wanted

Absolutely. Just contact us.


over-deliver-dashboard over-deliver-featured over-deliver-front

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