jlmadurga / django-telegram-bot-demo

Django app demo using django-telegram-bot app.
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============================= django-telegram-bot-demo

Django app demo using django-telegram-bot app. This demo follows Polls app described in Django tutorial. Same actions over polls by web app can be done with the Telegram bot.


The repo is setup for heroku but.So you only need to clone it, create heroku app and push it.

When you have your django-app installed migrate DB::

$ python manage.py migrate

Create superuser to create questions and choices in admin and play::

$ python manage.py createsuperuser

To get that token you need to create a Telegram bot https://core.telegram.org/bots. After creating a bot in Telegram Platform, create at least one bot with django admin. Token is the only required field. You may need to provided public key certificate for your server. https://core.telegram.org/bots/self-signed Heroku has https and ssl by default so it is a good option if you dont want to deal with that.

To set the webhook for telegram you need django.contrib.sites installed, SITE_ID configured in settings and with it correct value in the DB.

Web VS Telegram Bot

Some screenshots comparing web app and telegram bot:

.. image:: https://raw.github.com/jlmadurga/django-telegram-bot-demo/master/imgs/web_polls.png

.. image:: https://raw.github.com/jlmadurga/django-telegram-bot-demo/master/imgs/start_and_questions.png

.. image:: https://raw.github.com/jlmadurga/django-telegram-bot-demo/master/imgs/web_choices.png

.. image:: https://raw.github.com/jlmadurga/django-telegram-bot-demo/master/imgs/bot_choices_and_vote.png

.. image:: https://raw.github.com/jlmadurga/django-telegram-bot-demo/master/imgs/web_results.png

.. image:: https://raw.github.com/jlmadurga/django-telegram-bot-demo/master/imgs/bot_results.png

.. image:: https://raw.github.com/jlmadurga/django-telegram-bot-demo/master/imgs/bot_unknown_and_help.png

You can check it using already created bot https://telegram.me/djangotelegrambotdemo_bot and the web app with the demo already installed https://django-telegram-bot-demo.herokuapp.com/polls/