jlndk / devoops

Paticipation in the course "DevOps, Software Evolution and Software Maintenance" Spring 2020
MIT License
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MiniTwit DevOps project codecov Run SonarCloud on code

A Twitter clone made for the DevOps course at the IT University of Copenhagen. Over the course of the project, we took a barebones Python web application and both refactored it in a different language (C# with ASP.NET Core) and added many useful DevOps related features and practices.

This project is:


To deploy on a production node, simply clone this repository to the node and run the following two commands:

sudo ./install.sh

The scripts should install all dependencies


This system works on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, with docker and docker-compose as direct dependencies, and node_exporter as an optional dependency.

On a production environment, the environment variable MINITWIT_ENV has to be set to production to ensure the scripts run with the correct production variables.


On the production environment, simply run


to automatically spin up the docker containers for every part. This uses a special docker-compose script (./doc.sh) to inject proper environment variables and run the docker containers properly.