jlobos / instagram-web-api

🤳 Instagram Private Web API client for Node
MIT License
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A Instagram Private Web API client 🤳✨❤️

Simple, easy and very complete implementation of the Instagram private web API.


npm install instagram-web-api


Intance Instagram and call login method; this stores the credentials in memory.

const Instagram = require('instagram-web-api')
const { username, password } = process.env

const client = new Instagram({ username, password })

  .then(() => {

Using async/await in Node >= 8

const Instagram = require('instagram-web-api')
const { username, password } = process.env

const client = new Instagram({ username, password })

;(async () => {
  await client.login()
  const profile = await client.getProfile()


Save cookies to disk by using a though-cookie store.

// Packages
const Instagram = require('instagram-web-api')
const FileCookieStore = require('tough-cookie-filestore2')

const { username, password } = process.env // Only required when no cookies are stored yet

const cookieStore = new FileCookieStore('./cookies.json')
const client = new Instagram({ username, password, cookieStore })

;(async () => {
  // URL or path of photo
  const photo =

  await client.login()

  // Upload Photo to feed or story, just configure 'post' to 'feed' or 'story'
  const { media } = await client.uploadPhoto({ photo: photo, caption: 'testing', post: 'feed' })

API Reference

Instagram(credentials, opts)

const client = new Instagram({ username: '', password: '' }, { language: 'es-CL' })

Initializes the client.

  • credentials
  • username: The username of account
  • password: The password of account
  • cookieStore: An optional though-cookie cookie storage, which allows for persistent cookies. Default is undefined
  • opts
  • language: The language of response from API. Default is en-US
  • proxy: String of a proxy to tunnel all requests. Default is undefined


const { username, password, cookies } = await client.login({ username: '', password: '' })
const { authenticated, user } = await client.login({ username: '', password: '' })

Login in the account, this method returns user (true when username is valid) and authenticated (true when login was successful)

  • credentials
  • username: The username of account
  • password: The password of account


await client.logout()

Logout in the account.


const feed = await client.getHome('KGEAxpEdUwUrxxoJvxRoQeXFGooSlADHZ8UaDdSWbnOIxxoUUhyciJ7EGlxNlZjaYcUaXTgUM00qyBrgBhUsLezIGqVTlxqausga5W-fVax9xRryaBdN1EnIGvdQFgzxoMgaFoLO7v7xWQA=')

Get home feed timeline, media shared by the people you follow.

  • params
  • end_cursor (String) for pagination


const instagram = await client.getUserByUsername({ username: 'instagram' })
const me = await client.getUserByUsername({ username: client.credentials.username })

Get user by username, this method not require authentication for public profiles.

  • params
  • username: The username of the profile


const followers = await client.getFollowers({ userId: '1284161654' })

Get followers for given userId. Be aware that the response gets slightly altered for easier usage.

  • params
  • userId: The user id
  • first: Amount of followers to request. Default is 20
  • after: Optional end_cursor (String) for pagination.


const followings = await client.getFollowings({ userId: '1284161654' })

Get followings for given userId. Be aware that the response gets slightly altered for easier usage.

  • params
  • userId: The user id
  • first: Amount of followings to request. Default is 20
  • after: Optional end_cursor (String) for pagination.


const activity = await client.getActivity()

Get activity of account, news following, liked, etc.


const profile = await client.getProfile()

Get profile the account first_name, last_name, email, username, phone_number, gender, birthday, biography, external_url and chaining_enabled.


await client.updateProfile({ biography: '❤️', website: 'https://jlobos.com/', gender: 1 })

Update profile the account.

  • params
  • name: The full name. Default is
  • email: The email of account. Default is
  • username: The username of account. Default is client.credentials.username
  • phoneNumber: The Phone Number. Default is
  • gender: Number 1 male, 2 female and 3 not specified
  • biography: The Bio. Default is
  • website: The Website. Default is
  • similarAccountSuggestions: Boolean Include your account when recommending similar accounts people might want to follow. Default is true


const fs = require('fs')

const photo = fs.join(__dirname, 'photo.jpg')
await client.changeProfilePhoto({ photo })

Change the profile photo.

  • params
  • photo: A String of path file or URL


await client.deleteMedia({ mediaId: '1442533050805297981' })

Delete a media, photo, video, etc. by the id.

  • params
  • mediaId: The media id


const photo = 'https://scontent-scl1-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/16465198_658888867648924_4042368904838774784_n.jpg'
await client.uploadPhoto({ photo, caption: '❤️', post: 'feed' })

Upload a photo to Instagram. Only jpeg images allowed.

  • params
  • photo: A String of path file or URL
  • caption: The caption of photo. Default is
  • post: The local post, feed or story


const location = await client.getMediaFeedByLocation({ locationId: '26914683' })

Get latitude, longitude, top posts, last media, country, city, and more related to the location.

  • params
  • locationId: The location id


const tag = client.getMediaFeedByHashtag({ hashtag: 'unicorn' })

Explore last media and top posts feed related to a hashtag.

  • params
  • hashtag: A hashtag, not including the "#"


const venues = client.locationSearch({ query: 'chile', latitude: -33.45, longitude: -70.6667 })

Search venues by latitude and longitude.

  • params
  • latitude: Latitude
  • longitude: Longitude
  • query: A optional location name. Default is


const media = await client.getMediaByShortcode({ shortcode: 'BQE6Cq2AqM9' })

Get data of a media by the Instagram shortcode

  • params
  • shortcode: A shortcode


await client.addComment({ mediaId: 1442533050805297981, text: 'awesome' })

Add comment to a media item.

  • params
  • mediaId: The media id
  • text: Comment text
  • replyToCommentId: Optional comment id to which to reply


await client.deleteComment({ mediaId: '1442533050805297981', commentId: '17848908229146688' })

Delete a comment.

  • params
  • mediaId: The media id
  • commentId: The comment id


await client.getChallenge({ challengeUrl: '/challenge/1284161654/a1B2c3d4E6/' })

Get information about a challenge.

  • params
  • challengeUrl: A String with a challenge path


const challengeUrl = '/challenge/1284161654/a1B2c3d4E6/'

await client.updateChallenge({ challengeUrl, choice: 0 })
await client.updateChallenge({ challengeUrl, securityCode: 123456  })

Request or submit a verification code for the given challenge.

  • params
  • challengeUrl: A String with a challenge path
  • choice: Number 0 for phone and 1 for email. Default is ``
  • securityCode: Number the received verification code for the challenge. Default is ``


await client.resetChallenge({ challengeUrl: '/challenge/1284161654/a1B2c3d4E6/' })

Reset a challenge to start over again.

  • params
  • challengeUrl: A String with a challenge path


await client.replayChallenge({ challengeUrl: '/challenge/1284161654/a1B2c3d4E6/' })

Request a new verification message.

  • params
  • challengeUrl: A String with a challenge path


await client.approve({ userId: '1284161654' })

Approve a friendship request.

  • params
  • userId: The user id


await client.ignore({ userId: '1284161654' })

Reject a friendship request.

  • params
  • userId: The user id


await client.follow({ userId: '1284161654' })

Follow a user.

  • params
  • userId: The user id


await client.unfollow({ userId: '1284161654' })

Unfollow a user.

  • params
  • userId: The user id


await client.block({ userId: '1284161654' })

Block a user.

  • params
  • userId: The user id


await client.unblock({ userId: '1284161654' })

Unblock a user.

  • params
  • userId: The user id


await client.like({ mediaId: '1442533050805297981' })

Like a media item.

  • params
  • mediaId: The media id


await client.unlike({ mediaId: '1442533050805297981' })

Unlike a media item.

  • params
  • mediaId: The media id


await client.save({ mediaId: '1442533050805297981' })

Save a media item.

  • params
  • mediaId: The media id


await client.unsave({ mediaId: '1442533050805297981' })

Unsave a media item.

  • params
  • mediaId: The media id


await client.search({ query: 'unicorn' })

Search users, places, or hashtags.

  • params
  • query: Query
  • context: The context of search, hashtag, place, user or blended. Default is blended


await client.getPhotosByHashtag({ hashtag: 'unicorn' })

Get photos for hashtag.

  • params
  • hashtag: A String with a hashtag
  • first: A number of records to return
  • after: The query cursor String for pagination


  await client.getPhotosByUsername({ username: 'unicorn' })

Gets user photos.

  • params
  • username: A String with a hashtag
  • first: A number of records to return
  • after: The query cursor String for pagination


  await client.getPrivateProfilesFollowRequests(cursor)


  await client.getChainsData({ userId })

This will return the similar accounts, that you see, when you click on the ARROW in a profile.

  • params
  • userId: The user id


  await client.getMediaLikes({ shortcode: 'B-0000000', first: '49', after: '' })

This will return the media likes.

  • params
  • shortcode: The shortcode media like this: https://www.instagram.com/p/B-00000000/, only put shortcode like this : B-000000000
  • first: A number of records to return max is 49
  • after: The query cursor String for pagination


  await client.getMediaComments({ shortcode: 'B-0000000', first: '12', after: '' }).catch((error) => {
  .then((response) => {

  //The query cursor 'after' maybe return an array, if array you need to convert like this: 
  let pointer = response.page_info.end_cursor;
  // this will try to convert array to json stringify
            pointer = JSON.parse(pointer);
            pointer = JSON.stringify(pointer);
            console.log('Pointer is not array!, don't need to be converted!');

This will return the media comments.

  • params
  • shortcode: The shortcode media like this: https://www.instagram.com/p/B-00000000/, only put shortcode like this : B-000000000
  • first: A number of records to return max is 49
  • after: The query cursor String for pagination


MIT © Jesús Lobos