jlong23 / node-red-node-ademco

Ademco Alarm Panel Parser for Node-Red
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Two nodes used to work with the AD2USB Data stream either from a Serial Node or MQTT message.


$ npm i node-red-node-ademco


AdemcoListener Node:

Parses the panel messages from the NuTech AD2USB via a serial port input node or MQTT node, converts it into a JavaScript object and either reports partition state changes or every input message; as defined in the node configuration, into the JavaScript object specified below.

partitionState ={
    partitionNumber : 1,         // Indicates the Partition ID
    messageLine1 : "",           // Alpha panel Message Line 1
    messageLine2 : "",           // Alpha panel Message Line 2
    lastUpdated : null,          // DateTime the message was parsed
    systemState : AlarmStateEnum.NOT_READY,  // StateMachinable value, see System State object
    lastTransitionDate : null,   // Prior State Change DateTime
    lastSystemState : AlarmStateEnum.NOT_READY, // Prior StateMachinable value, see System State object
    panels : [],                 // List of Panel IDs this message is ment for
    zoneFaults : [],             // List of faulted Zones  (Not Working)
    partitionReady : false,      // Indicates the Partition is ready to arm (No Faults)
    partitionArmedAway : false,  // Indicates the Partition is Armed Away ( Motion Detection == Instant Alarm ) 
    partitionArmedStay : false,  // Indicates the Partition is Armed Stay ( Motion Detection Zones disabled ) 
    backlight : false,           // Panel Backlight should be lit
    programmingMode : false,     // Indicates System is in Programming Mode
    beepCount : 0,               // Indicates Panel should beep x times
    zoneBypass : false,          // Indicates one or more zones bypassed on partition
    linePower : false,           // Indicates System is on AC Power
    chimeEnabled : false,        // Indicates Panel should chime when Zones are faulted in Disarmed State
    alarmOccurred : false,       // Indicates an alarm has been triggered  (Could be Silent Alarm!)
    alarmSounding : false,       // Indicates the Alarm Siren is triggered
    batteryLow : false,          // Indicates the Backup Battery is Low/not charging
    delayOff : false,            // Indicates the System is Armed Instant ( AKA Night Mode )
    fireAlarm : false,           // Indicates the Fire Zones have been triggered
    zoneFaulted : false,         // Indicates one or more Zones are faulted
    perimeterOnly : false,       // Indicates non-motion zones are armed
    stateChange : false          // Indicates the Primary Arming state has changed

The Partition state Enum Values:

var AlarmStateEnum = {
    DISARMED : 0,       // Partition is in an unknown state or initialized
    NOT_READY : 1,      // Partition is Disarmed but but not ready to arm (One or more Faults)
    READY : 2,          // Partition is Disarmed but ready to arm (No Faults)
    ARMED_AWAY : 3,     // Partition is Armed Away, Motion Detection active
    ARMED_STAY : 4,     // Partition is Armed Stat, Motion Detection not active
    ARMED_INSTANT : 5,  // Partition is Armed Instant, Motion Detection not active (No Entry Delay)
    ALARM : 6,          // Partition is in a Faulted Alarm State
    FIRE_ALARM : 7      // Partition is in a Faulted Fire Alarm State

AdemcoStatus Node:

Using the current panel message state from the Listener Node, this will either use the message.partion == Partition Number or the Node Configuration to export the current partition state on the output message.payload. Use this node to query the current alarm panel state(s).

Example Flow


If you have any questions, just open an issue.

To order a AD2USB Module for your Ademco Alarm Panel

And the Protocol/Strings exported from the Panel

Example Function

Example Nod-Red 'function' that formats Partition State Messages, and routes them according to importance:

var partition = msg.payload;

if( partition !== undefined ) {
    var alarmText = "";

    // Format for core alarm State
    alarmText += "Partition ";
    alarmText += partition.partitionNumber;
    alarmText += " is ";

    switch ( partition.systemState ) {
        case 0:
            alarmText += "DISARMED";
        case 1:
            alarmText += "NOT READY";
        case 2:
            alarmText += "DISARMED READY";
        case 3:
            alarmText += "ARMED AWAY";
        case 4:
            alarmText += "ARMED STAY";
        case 5:
            alarmText += "ARMED INSTANT";
        case 6:
            alarmText += "ALARM";
        case 7:
            alarmText += "FIRE ALARM";
            alarmText += "UNKNOWN";

    // Format for Alarms and Faults
    if(  partition.systemState >= 6  ||  partition.systemState == 1 ) {
        alarmText += "; ";
        alarmText += partition.messageLine1.trim();
        alarmText +=  "  ";
        alarmText += partition.messageLine2.trim();

    msg.payload = alarmText;

    // Route the Messages to the correct output
    // Critical Events are Sent on Output 2
    if( partition.systemState > 2 ) {
        return [ null, msg ];
    } else {
        // Status Events are sent on Output 1 
        if ( partition.systemState == 2 && partition.lastSystemState > 2 ) {
            // Unless it's transition from Higher States to Ready/Disarmed
            return [ null, msg ];
        } else {
            // Non Critical Events are Sent on Output 1
            return [ msg, null ];

// Fail to parse, return nothing
return [null, null];