jlord / balrog

Learn by making presents: A Static Site Generator (WIP)
86 stars 14 forks source link

Update marked dep #29

Closed pdehaan closed 9 years ago

pdehaan commented 9 years ago

See https://nodesecurity.io/advisories/marked_multiple_content_injection_vulnerabilities

jlord commented 9 years ago

Oh! :+1: Thanks!

pdehaan commented 9 years ago

And just for giggles, here's the output from nsp and npm outdated:

$ git clone  https://github.com/jlord/balrog.git balrog
$ npm install


 balrog@1.0.0 scripts['server'] should probably be scripts['start'].

$ npm shrinkwrap --dev
wrote npm-shrinkwrap.json

# $ sudo npm i nsp -g
$ nsp audit-shrinkwrap --no-color

No vulnerable modules found

$ npm outdated --depth 0
Package        Current  Wanted         Latest  Location
cheerio         0.10.8  0.10.8         0.17.0  cheerio
glob            3.1.21  3.1.21          4.0.5  glob
moment           1.7.2   1.7.2          2.8.1  moment
handlebars      1.0.12  1.0.12  2.0.0-alpha.4  handlebars
mkdirp           0.3.5   0.3.5          0.5.0  mkdirp
cpr              0.1.1   0.1.1          0.3.2  cpr
split           0.2.10  0.2.10          0.3.0  split
concat-stream    1.0.1   1.0.1          1.4.6  concat-stream
rss              0.2.1   0.2.1          0.3.2  rss
underscore       1.5.2   1.5.2          1.6.0  underscore
ecstatic        0.4.13  0.4.13          0.5.4  ecstatic
minimatch       0.2.14  0.2.14          1.0.0  minimatch
tape             2.3.3   2.3.3         2.14.0  tape