jlord / balrog

Learn by making presents: A Static Site Generator (WIP)
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Disclaimer: One, this documentation is out of date, two, I've made this for my own purposes so it's very suited to that, it likely won't work, out of the box, just like you want it to, or be very adaptable. But! Have a look if ya want, fork and change it all up!


A static site generator with these goals:

File Structure

  |_partials (optional)
    -pagination.html (optional)
  |_content (required)
    |_assets (optional)


opts = {
  source: "./content",
  output: "./site",
  templateDir: "./templates",
  partialsDir: "./partials",
  pagination: 4,
  templates: {
    blog: 'blog/*',
    about: 'about.md',
    feed: 'page/*'
  feed: {
    postsDir: './content/blog',
    urlPrefix: 'blog',
    site: {
      url: 'http://example.org',
      title: 'My Site',
      description: 'A site for stuff, ya know?',
      imageUrl: 'http://example.org/image.png',
      author: 'meauthor',

To Build

  1. Requires Node.js and NPM (which comes with .pkg and .msi downloads of Node.js)
  2. You'll install the balrog module globally, then run it from the command line within a directory set up in the style diagramed above.

Install Balrog

npm install -g balrog

Build Your Content

  1. Set up file structure as described above
  2. Create config.JSON
  3. Make sure you include and use the following as described:

Blog Feed Template

When creating a blog feed page template (the one that shows x (pagination number) of posts per page), your template must look like this:

{{> pagination}}

Pagination Template

The "Previous/Next" links are added to the bottom of blog feeds via a Handlebars Partial template:

<div class="turn-page">
  <a class="turn-previous" href="https://github.com/jlord/balrog/blob/master/{{previous}}">Previous</a>
  <a class="turn-next" href="https://github.com/jlord/balrog/blob/master/{{next}}">Next</a>

Additionally, the class end-of-pages is applied when there is not a previous or next page. If you do not include a partials directory, it will default to generating 1 blog post feed page with all posts.

Posts, Meta Data

Meta data is generated through the first 4 lines of each blog post. It doesn't matter how you style them, so long as your first 4 lines are in this order:

# Title
### Author
#### Date
##### Tags, tags, tags

Hi this is a post. So pancake.


From within your soon-to-be Balrog'd directory, run:

Build & Serve Locally & Watch

Serve up the site locally on a random port and watch for changes:

Host on GitHub Pages

Create a new repository on GitHub and place all the contents of your Balrog generated /site directory on a branch named gh-pages. Bam, website! You can find it at: yourgithubname.github.io/reponame