jlouis / turtle

A wrapper on the RabbitMQ Erlang Client (Erlang)
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Turtle - A wrapper on the RabbitMQ Erlang Client

The turtle application is built to be a wrapper around the RabbitMQ standard Erlang driver. The purpose is to enable faster implementation and use of RabbitMQ by factoring out common tasks into a specific application targeted toward ease of use.

The secondary purpose is to make the Erlang client better behaving toward an OTP setup. The official client makes lots of assumptions which are not always true in an OTP setting.

The features of turtle are:


The Turtle application deliberately exposes the underlying RabbitMQ configuration to the user. This allows the user to handle most low-level RabbitMQ settings directly without having to learn a new language of configuration.

Furthermore, the goal is to wrap the rabbitmq-erlang-client, provide a helpful layer and then get out of the way. The goal is not to make a replacement which covers every use case. Just common tasks in RabbitMQ. That is, we aim to be a 80% solution, not a complete solution to every problem you might have.

What we do not solve

Very specific and intricate RabbitMQ connections are better handled directly with the driver. This project aims to capture common use cases and make them easier to handle so you have to handle less low-level aspects of the driver.

Things have been added somewhat on-demand. There are definitely setups which are outside the scope of this library/application. But it is general enough to handle most messaging patterns we've seen over the years when using RabbitMQ.

The rabbitmq-erlang-driver is a complex beast. Way too complex one could argue. And it requires you to trap exits in order to handle it correctly. We can't solve these problems inside the driver, but we can raise a scaffold around the driver in order to protect the remainder of the system against it.

Performance considerations

Turtle has been tested in a simple localhost setup in which is can 50.000 RPC roundtrips per second. This is the current known lower bound for the system, and given improvement in RabbitMQ and the Erlang subsystem this number may become better over time. It is unlikely to become worse.



Turtle is an OTP application with a single supervisor. Given a configuration in sys.config, Turtle maintains connections to the RabbitMQ clusters given in the configuration in this supervisor.

Every other part of turtle provides a supervisor tree/worker process which can be linked into the supervisor tree of a client application. This design makes sure that connections live and die with its surrounding application. Monitors on the connection maintainers makes sure the tree is correctly closed/stopped/restarted if a connection dies.

Turtle uses gproc as its registry. Every connection, channel, service of proxy is registered in gproc under {n,l,{turtle,Kind, Name}} where Kind signifies what kind of registration it is for.

There are two kinds of children you can link into your applications supervisor tree:


Turtle is built using rebar3. Turtle is built primarily for Erlang/OTP release 18 and later, but it should be usable in release 17.5 as well. You can build turtle with a simple

make compile

or by using rebar directly:

rebar3 compile


The tests has a prerequisite which is a running RabbitMQ instance on localhost port 5672`. In the Travis CI environment, we request such a server to be running, so we can carry out tests against it, but for local development, you will need to add such a server to the environment.

Running tests is as simple as:

make test


Turtle was created to alleviate a common need in many systems we had. As we started to move more and more work into a messaging platform based on RabbitMQ, common patterns emerged. This application captures these common patterns and solves the low-level work once and for all.

In addition, by factoring all users through a single implementation, we have an obvious hook-point for statistics, and logging. And as we fix errors, we fix those in all dependent applications.


To use the turtle application, your sys.config must define a set of connections to keep toward the RabbitMQ cluster. And you must provide publishers/services into your own applications supervisor tree. We will address each of these in a separate section.


Turtle is configured with a set of connector descriptors. These goes into a turtle section inside your sys.config:

    %% Turtle configuration
    {turtle, [
        {connection_config, [
                conn_name => amqp_server,

                username => "phineas",
                password => "ferb",
                virtual_host => "/tri-state-area",

                deadline => 300000,
                connections => [
                    {main, [
                      {"amqp-1.danville.com", 5672 },
                      {"amqp-2.danville.com", 5672 } ]},
                    {backup, [
                      {"backup.doofenschmirtz.com", 5672 } ]} ]

This will set up two connection groups. The first group is the Danville group with two hosts and the second is the Doofenschmirtz group. Turtle will try amqp-1 and amqp-2 in a round-robin fashion for a while. Upon failure it will fall back to the backup group.

The deadline parameter tells the system when to globally fail the connection attempts. If no connection is made within the deadline, then the system will crash the connection process inside turtle. The supervisor tree will restart it, but this happens at most 3 times before the node is killed. E.g., setting a deadline of 1 minute (60000 milli-seconds) will make the turtle application fail at 3 minutes if no connection can be made within that time-frame.

The deadline parameter can be omitted, in which case there is no deadline.

DISCUSSION: We tend to keep our systems without a deadline and rely on error logging to tell us that something is wrong. But it may be wise to guarantee some kind of progress on the AMQP connection for a system which relies on AMQP connections to be present before they can properly operate. The thing you will be balancing is how long to wait for a network to settle and AMQP to be available versus detecting a problem with the connections of nodes. Setting a value too low is likely pose problems when your system has dependencies among its services. Setting it too high tells you there are problems too late.

There is currently not auth-mechanism support, but this should be fairly easy to add.

Once the configuration is given, you can configure applications to use the connection name amqp_server and it will refer to connections with that name. As such, you can add another connection to another rabbitmq cluster and Turtle knows how to keep them apart.

Message publication

Turtle provides a simple publication proxy which makes it easier to publish messages on RabbitMQ for other workers. Here is how to use it.

First, you introduce the publisher into your own supervisor tree. For instance by writing:

    %% AMQP Publisher
    Exch = <<"my_exchange">>,
    PublisherName = my_publisher,
    ConnName = amqp_server, %% As given above
    AMQPDecls = [
      #'exchange.declare' { exchange = Exch, type = <<"topic">>, durable = false }
    AMQPPoolChildSpec =
        turtle_publisher:child_spec(PublisherName, ConnName, AMQPDecls,
            #{ confirms => true, passive => false }),

Note that AMQPArgs takes a list of AMQP declarations which can be used to create exchanges, queues, and so on. The publisher will verify that each of these declarations succeed and will crash if that is not the case.

Note the option #{ confirms => true } which is used to signify that we want the exchange to confirm publications back to us. This is automatically handled by the publisher if you use it for RPC style messaging.

Also, note the option #{ passive => false }. You can force passive declarations by setting this to true in which case declarations will set the passive flag where applicable. This ensures you only verify the presence of exchanges/queues on the broker rather than idempotently create them. In a development setting, it is nice to automatically create missing exchanges and queues, but in a production system you may want to create them beforehand.

Once we have a publisher in our tree, we can use it through the turtle module. The API of turtle is envisioned to be stable, so using it is recommended over using the turtle publisher directly.

Note: The name my_publisher is registered under gproc with a name unique to the turtle application.

To publish messages on my_publisher we write:

        #{ delivery_mode => persistent | ephemeral }).

This will asynchronously deliver a message on AMQP on the given exchange, with a given routing key, a given Media Type and a given Payload. The option list allows you to easily control if the delivery should be persistent or ephemeral (the latter meaning that rabbitmq may throw away the message on an error).

Remote procedure calls

To enable the RPC mechanism, you must change the configuration of publisher process like the following:

    %% AMQP Publisher
    Exch = …,
    AMQPDecls = [ … ],
    AMQPPoolChildSpec =
        turtle_publisher:child_spec(PublisherName, ConnName, AMQPDecls,
              confirms => true,
              passive => false,
              rpc => enable

In particular, the configuration adds the rpc => enable binding, but is otherwise the same as the above publisher configuration. This makes the publisher configure itself for retrival of RPC messages by declaring an exclusive reply_to queue for itself.

The RPC mechanism of the publisher might at first look a bit "off" but there is a reason to the madness. Executing RPC calls runs in two phases. First, you publish a Query. This results in a publication confirmation being received back. This confirmation acts as a future which you can wait on, or cancel later on. By splitting the work into two phases, the API allows a process to avoid blocking on the RPC calls should it wish to do so.

For your convenience, the RPC system provides a call for standard blocking synchronous delivery which is based on the primitives we describe below. To make an RPC call, execute:

    case turtle:rpc_sync(my_publisher, Exch, RKey, Ctype, Payload) of
      {error, Reason} -> ...;
      {ok, NTime, CType, Payload} -> ...

The response contains the NTime which is the time it took to process the RPC for the underlying system.

To run an RPC call asynchronously, you first execute the rpc/5 call:

    {ok, FToken, Time} =
      turtle:rpc(my_publisher, Exch, RKey, CType, Payload),

This returns an FToken, which is the future of the computation. It also returns the value Time which is the number of milli-seconds it took for the RabbitMQ server to confirm the publication.

The result is delivered into the mailbox of the application when it arrives.


A message is delivered once the reply happens. This message has the following format:

    {rpc_reply, FToken, NTime, ContentType, Payload}

Where FToken refers to the future in the confirmation call above, NTime is the time it took for the message roundtrip, in native representation, and ContentType and Payload is the result of the RPC call.

To conveniently block and wait on such a message, you can call a function:

    case turtle:rpc_await(my_publisher, FToken, Timeout) of
        {error, Reason} -> {error, Reason};
        {ok, NTime, ContentType, Payload} -> ...

This will also monitor my_publisher. If you want to monitor yourself, you can use

    Pid = turtle_publisher:where(Publisher),
    MRef = monitor(process, Pid),

and then use the turtle:rpc_await_monitor/3 call.

You can also call turtle:rpc_cancel/2 to cancel futures and ignore them. This doesn't carry any guarantee that the RPC won't be executed however.

Message Subscription

The "other" direction is when Turtle acts like a "server", receives messages from RabbitMQ and processes them. In this setup, you provide a callback function to the turtle system and it invokes this function (in its own context) for each message that is received over RabbitMQ.

Turtle supports two messaging modes: single and bulk. First we describe single-delivery, which is the default mode. In this mode, each message is processed in isolation. The other mode, bulk, is described later on and allows you to gather multiple messages into your callback state and batch process them towards the other end.

Single-mode subscription

Configuration allows you to set QoS parameters on the line and also configure how many workers should be attached to the RabbitMQ queue for the service. In turn, this provides a simple connection limiter if one wishes to limit the amount of simultaneous work to carry out. In many settings, some limit is in order to make sure you don't accidentally flood the machine with more work than it can handle.

To configure a supervisor tree for receiving messages, you create a child specification for it as in the following:

    Config = #{
      name => Name,
      connection => amqp_server,
      function => fun CallbackMod:loop/4,
      handle_info => fun CallbackMod:handle_info/2,
      init_state => #{ ... },
      declarations =>
          [#'exchange.declare' { exchange = Exch, type = <<"topic">>, durable = true },
           #'queue.declare' { queue = Q, durable = true },
           #'queue.bind' {
               queue = Q,
               exchange = Exch,
               routing_key = Bind }],
      subscriber_count => SC,
      prefetch_count => PC,
      consume_queue => Q,
      passive => false

    ServiceSpec = turtle_service:child_spec(Config),

This configures the Service to run. It will first use the declarations section to declare AMQP queues and bindings. Then it will set QoS options, notably the prefetch_count which by far is the most important options for tuning RabbitMQ. By prefetching a bit of messages in, you can hide the network latency for a worker, which speeds up handling considerably. Even fairly low prefetch settings tend to have good results. You also set a subscriber_count which tells the system how many worker processes to spawn. This can be used as a simple way to introduce an artificial concurrency limit into the system. Some times this is desirable as you can avoid the system flooding other subsystems.

The passive flag works as in the case of the publisher: setting this value to true forces exchange/queue creation to be passive such that creation fails if the queue is not present already on the broker.

Operation works by initializing the system into the value given by init_state. Then, every message is handled by the callback given in function. Unrecognized messages to the process is handled by the handle_info call. This allows you to handle events from the outside.

Note: A current design limitation is that you can only process one message at a time. A truly asynchronous message processor could be written, but we have not had the need yet.

The signature for the callback function is:

    loop(RoutingKey, ContentType, Payload, State) ->
        {remove, State} | {reject, State} | {stop, Reason, State}
        | {ack, State'} | {reply, CType, Payload, State}

The idea is that the loop/4 function processes the message and returns what should happen with the message:

If a message is received by the subscription process it doens't understand itself, it is forwarded to the handle_info function:

    handle_info(Info, State) -> {ok, State}.

It is intended to be used to handle a state change upon external events.

Bulk-mode subscription (Experimental)

Note: We think this feature is sound, but currently it has not seen much use and thus, the API might change in the future. We will have to address problems, surely, and some of those might alter the API.

Enabling bulk mode proceeds as single mode configuration, but sets the bulk mode flag on the connection:

    Config = #{
        name => Name,
        function => fun CallbackMod:loop/5,
        handle_info => fun CallbackMod:handle_info/2,

        prefetch_count => PC,
        mode => bulk

This setting will feed messages to your callback function, up to the prefetch_count, PC. Hence, it is advised to set a relatively large prefetch count if batching is desirable. In bulk mode, the callback function looks like:

    loop(RoutingKey, ContentType, Payload, Tag, State) -> {Cmds, State}

where Cmds is a list of (effectful) commands to apply to the RabbitMQ system. The list can be empty, in which case no commands are processed. Note that the loop function also contains an opaque Tag for the incoming message. If you store that tag, you can use it in commands later on in the sequence. The possible commands are:

In bulk-mode, the handle_info/2 function is altered in two ways: one, it can now respond with commands to execute, and it will retrieve informational messages if the rabbitmq server goes away as well. The invocation is like:

    handle_info(Info, State) -> {Cmds, State}.

Where Cmds is as above, and Info is either a normal Info-message sent to the subscriber, or the tuple {amqp_shutdown, Reason}. In any other Reason than normal it will not be possible to process any commands, and the subscriber will warn you if you try.

Example: The bulk-mode allows you to micro-batch messages. Set the prefetch count to 1000. When your loop function gets it's first incoming message, you store it and its Tag in the State, and you return {[], NewState} so the message is retained, but no ack is sent.

When the first message is retrieved, you call erlang:send_after(25, self(), batch_timeout) which sets up a 25ms timeout. Now, typically two scenarios can happen:

In any of these cases, you send off the current batch and pick the last Tag of all of these, cancel the timer if necessary[0], and return {[{bulk_ack, Tag}], NewState}. In turn, you are now batching messages.

More advanced batching will look at the response and figure out if any messages in the batch failed. Then you can individually build up a command list:

    Cmds = [{ack, Tag0}, {ack, Tag1}, {reject, Tag2}, {ack, Tag3}, {remove, Tag4}, …],

so you get the correct messages acked or rejected. You can also handle bulk-reply the same way by replying to invididual messages.

[0] Use the TimerRef to get rid of timers that race you in the mailbox, by ignoring timers which you did not expect.

Operation and failure modes

This section describes the various failure modes of Turtle and how they are handled.

The turtle application will try to keep connections to RabbitMQ at all times. Failing connections restart the connector, but it also acts like a simple circuit breaker if there is no connection. Hence turtle provides the invariant:

For each connection, there is a process. This process may have a connection to RabbitMQ, or it may not, if it is just coming up or has been disconnected.

Connections are registered in gproc so a user can grab the connection state from there. Especially by registering for non-blocking waits until a name (re-)appears.

If a publisher proxy fails, it will affect the supervisor tree in which it is installed in the usual way. Currently active RPCs will be gone. Hence it is advisable to install a monitor in the proxy, as is the case in the exposition above. This will allow a caller blocked on an RPC to react such that you can continue operation.

If a callback function in a service crashes, the corresponding process in the subscription pool will stop abnormally. The errorneous message will be removed permanently from the queue in order to ensure it will not crash other workers bound to the queue. The assumption is that a crashing function is a programming error which should be fixed. If you need access to the message, configure RabbitMQ to use dead-lettering on the queue which will send the message to the dead-letter-exchange (DLX). You can then handle the failing message separately on another queue. If the bound function crashes more than 100 times in an hour, it will reach max restart intensity and restart that part of the supervisor tree.

If a connection dies, every publisher or service relying on it crashes and reaps the supervisor tree accordingly.