jluastro / nirc2

MIT License
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NOTE: This repository is now read-only. All development will now happen on the https://github.com/Keck-DataReductionPipelines/KAI repository.

This package provides a reduction pipepline for images from the NIRC2 instrument on the Keck II telescope at the W. M. Keck Observatory.


The NIRC2 reduction pipeline depends on IRAF and must be run in a python 2.7 environment. We recommend Astroconda with IRAF install.

Unfortunately, there are some legacy IDL functions needed by the pipeline (strehl calculator). You will need to add the

/idl_nirc2 directory to your IDL path. ‘pydrizzle' and ‘multidrizzle' need to be installed too. ### POST INSTALL NOTES IRAF doesn't like long filenames. Be sure to modify `nirc2/data/directory_aliases.txt` to add your own aliases. You will notice this is an issue during the nirc2.reduce.combine() process with error messages stating that temp files don't exist.