jmaces / aapm-ct-challenge

AAPM DL Sparse-View Computed Tomography Image Reconstruction Challenge - Team Robust-And-Stable
MIT License
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AAPM DL-Sparse-View CT Challenge Submission - Designing an Iterative Network for Fanbeam-CT with Unknown Geometry

GitHub license code-style black made-with-python made-with-pytorch

Team: robust-and-stable

This repository provides the implementation of our submission to the AAPM DL-Sparse-View CT Challenge.

More details can be found in our ICML2022 paper Near-Exact Recovery for Tomographic Inverse Problems via Deep Learning (by M. Genzel, I. Gühring, J. Macdonald, and M. März) and our short challenge submission report Designing an Iterative Network for Fanbeam-CT with Unknown Geometry.


The repository contains code to train the complete pipeline (Operator -> UNet -> ItNet -> ItNet-post) of our proposed reconstruction method, as well as for two comparison networks (Tiramisu & Learned Primal Dual).

The challenge data is not contained in this repository and needs to be obtained directly from the challenge website.

  1. Check (and modify if necessary) the configuration file It specifies the directory paths for the data and results. By default, the data should be stored in the subdirectory raw_data and results and model weights are stored in the subdirectory results.
  2. Identify the forward operator using the scripts named and
  3. You can check and evaluate the identified operator using the script named
  4. Train networks using the scripts named script_train_*.py.
  5. You can evaluate the trained networks on the test data using the scripts named script_evaluate_test_*.py


The package versions are the ones we used. Other versions might work as well.

cudatoolkit (v10.1.243)
matplotlib (v3.1.3)
numpy (v1.18.1)
pandas (v1.0.5)
python (v3.8.3)
pytorch (v1.6.0)
torchvision (v0.7.0)
tqdm (v4.46.0)


Our implementation of the U-Net is based on and adapted from
Our implementation of the Tiramisu network is based on and adapted from
Our implementation of the Learned Primal Dual network is inspired by

Thank you for making your code available.


This repository is MIT licensed, as found in the LICENSE file.