jmanuel1 / todoer

Automatically add an email to your local todo.txt when you star it.
MIT License
4 stars 1 forks source link
email mailspring mailspring-plugin react todoer

todoer: A Mailspring plugin

A screenshot of the todoer plugin preferences

Automatically add an email to your local todo.txt when you star or label it.

What is it?

todoer is a Mailspring plugin that adds emails to your todo.txt whenever you star them. The path to the todo file is configurable in a todoer tab under Preferences (Ctrl+Comma on Windows). The plugin acts completely locally--there's no sign-in to worry about! It even works with todo.txt files that are synced over a cloud service.



Download a release from the releases page or clone the repository using git clone If you downloaded a release, unzip into a folder.

In the folder containing the release, run yarn build. Next, open Mailspring. In the menu, choose Developer > Install a Plugin.... Then choose the folder containing the plugin. Note that installation might freeze Mailspring for a while.

Usage (how to use todoer)


Development should be done under Node 10.10+.

This project uses Yarn as the package manager and npm scripts for build scripts. Make sure to run yarn before you start development.

To build the plugin, use yarn build. You should get a lib/main.js file. To test the build, use yarn test.

Mailspring's API documentation is currently quite lacking, so there are additional notes to supplement Mailspring's docs.

Directory structure

Plugin code goes in lib/, tests/specs go in spec/.

lib/ subfolders:


Please add tests with your changes. Tests are written with Jasmine.
