A RESTful API Analytics tool built with Lift & Akka
To build, use SBT (Simple Build Tool) available at https://github.com/harrah/xsbt/wiki
This project uses the Eclipse plugin for SBT (optional) and the Web plugin to run the web app through Jetty locally (very useful for developing and debugging)
This is a multimodule project with the following artifacts:
APIStatsModel: contains the message definition to be sent with API statistics information. It is built separately so it can be dropped into client projects (i.e. a Java project exposing APIs through JAX-RS).
Web: Lift & Akka application that receives remote messages and displays information in real time about them.
The Lift application uses MongoDB as the backend storage mechanism for API statistics.
To run the web app run sbt, once in the sbt console:
project apistats container:start
The web app will be available at http://localhost:8080
To stop Jetty