jmcabreira-zz / A-Music-Taste-Analysis-Using-Spotify-API-and-Python.

Exploring Audio Features and building a Machine Learning Approach
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About Me

I am an electrical engineer turned data scientist who loves leveraging data-driven solutions that make an impact on business and society. My first encounter with data science occurred when I worked as a student researcher at the Applied Computational Intelligence Laboratory (Fluminense Federal University) in which I built Artificial Neural Network models for power forecast.

Thereafter, I won a scholarship that allowed me to study at the University of Toronto in Canada. After this experience, I was given the opportunity to work with electrical projects and project management in a small company in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. My third working contract involved tasks related to the project management of two electrical substation construction projects in a multinational company.

Right now, I’m currently working on projects related to machine learning and data science which includes customer segmentation, sales prediction and plagiarism detection.