jmccrae / gwn-scala-api

API for working with GWN formats
Apache License 2.0
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Global WordNet Converter and Validator

API and command line tool for working with Global WordNet Interlingual Index formats


You will need the Scala SBT tool to compile and run the program as well as Java. Once that is installed the tool can be run as


The options are as follows:

Usage: gwn [options]

  -v | --validate
    Validate the input file only
  -i <inputFile> | --input <inputFile>
    The input file to process
  -o <outputFile> | --output <outputFile>
    The output file to process
  -a <auxFile> | --aux <auxFile>
    The auxiliary file (normaly PWN 3.0) required by some formats
  -f <format> | --from <format>
    The format of the input file: WNLMF, JSON, RDF, WNDB, OMWN, PLWN, DEBVISDIC, W3C
  -t <format> | --to <format>
    The format of the output file: WNLMF, JSON, RDF
  --aux-format <format>
    The format of the auxiliary file
  --id <id>
    The identifier for the resource
  --label <label>
    The label for the resource
  --language <isoCode>
    The language of the resource (ISO code)
  --email <address>
    The email address for this resource
  --license <url>
    The license of the resource
  --version <versionId>
    The version of the resource
  --url <url>
    The URL of the resource
  --citation <paper>
    The citation string of the resource
  --input-rdf-lang <RDF/XML|TURTLE|N-TRIPLE|N3>
    The RDF language to serialize from
  --output-rdf-lang <RDF/XML|TURTLE|N-TRIPLE|N3>
    The RDF language to serialize to
  --input-base-url <url>
    The Base URL, i.e., where the file is on the Web, for the input file
  --output-base-url <url>
    The Base URL, i.e., where the file is on the Web, for the output file


Command to generate Princeton WordNet 3.1 in XML

./gwn -i wn31/dict -o wn31.xml -f WNDB -t WNLMF \
  -a wn-data/ili-map-wn31.ttl --id pwn31 --label "Princeton WordNet 3.1" \
  --version "3.1" --url "" \
  --license "" \
  --email "***"


To compile the system we use SBT. The following command is used to regenerate the file for use with the gwn command

sbt assembly

The web interface is a separate project under the web/ folder. In order to build this you first need to run the publishLocal command in the root folder and then start sbt and run jetty:start

sbt publishLocal
cd web/
> jetty:start
> browse

We welcome any changes or suggestions. Please make an issue or a pull request.