jmegner / KT21Calculator

Specialized calculator for analyzying shooting and fighting in Kill Team 2021 edition ("KT21").
The Unlicense
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Kill Team 2021 Calculator ("ktcalc")

Calculator for helping analyze shooting and fighting attacks in Kill Team (2021 edition). Heavily inspired by (now offline).

Live at

For reference, here's ktcalc's announcement reddit thread and follow-up thread for fight support. Check out Kill Team Resources repo for other calculators/simulators and more.

Future Work

See issues, but to comment on the big ones ...

Dev Stuff

Basically, this is a React SPA web app mostly written in TypeScript. There is some Rust compiled down to wasm for some stuff where I needed more performance. I use GitHub Actions to test, build, and deploy the web app upon every git-push to main branch. I do my development in vscode.

List of notable technologies/libs/whatever used...

Dev setup...


My thanks to Daniel Espinoza-Hernandez for UI improvements, like Accordions and SwipableViews.

My thanks to Dave/veddermatic for the nav bar and icons at top.

My thanks to Redux maintainer Mark Erikson for his advice and help. I decided not to use Redux just yet, but look forward to using it.