jmeyers91 / barro

Flexible barrel file generation for Javascript and Typescript with watching built-in.
MIT License
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Flexible barrel file generation for Javascript and Typescript with watching built-in.


Define your barrels in ./barro.js:

module.exports = () => [
    out: "src/models/index.ts",
    match: "**/*Model.ts",
    out: "src/fns/index.ts",
    match: "**/*.ts",

Build barrels once:

npx barro --write

Build barrels and rebuild when relevant files are added or removed:

npx barro --write --watch

Alternatively, you can pass the path of your barro config file:

npx barro barrel-config.js --write --watch

Alternatively, you can define your barro config in your package.json as barro:

npx barro package.json --write --watch


Custom templates

You can include custom barrel templates in your barrel config file using the template field. The template can be either a handlebars template string or a function that returns a string. Custom templates are provided a files input with these fields:

  relativePath: string;
  absolutePath: string;
  path: string;
  name: string;

Custom handlebars template

You can use handlebars templates to generate custom barrels:

const { readFileSync } = require("fs");

module.exports = ({ Handlebars }) => {
  Handlebars.registerHelper("loud", (str) => str.toUpperCase());

  return [
      out: "src/models/index.ts",
      match: "**/*Model.ts",
      template: fs.readFileSync("./modelBarrel.hbs", "utf8"),

Custom function template

You can use plain JS functions to generate custom barrels:

module.exports = () => [
    out: "src/models/index.ts",
    match: "**/*Model.ts",
    template({ files }) {
      return files
          (file) =>
            `export { default as ${} } from "./${
