jmini / ecentral

Script and data around the Eclipse Platform artifacts published on maven central.
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Add non eclipse dependency to the BOM file #7

Closed jmini closed 2 years ago

jmini commented 2 years ago

The CBI Aggregator configuration file SDK4Mvn.aggr contains some indication called "mavenMappings" describing how to go from the Bundle Symbolic name and the version to the library coordinates in Maven Central.


  <mavenMappings namePattern="(org\.eclipse\.jdt)\.core\.compiler\.batch" groupId="$1" artifactId="ecj"/>
  <mavenMappings namePattern="(org\.eclipse\.jdt)(.*)" groupId="$1" artifactId="$1$2"/>
  <mavenMappings namePattern="(org\.eclipse\.pde)(.*)" groupId="$1" artifactId="$1$2"/>

The BOM file created by this project should also consider those mappings.


As a result of this change, bundle (version 64.2.0.v20190507-1337) should be turned to:


See for the related work in Groomph.