jmini / ecentral

Script and data around the Eclipse Platform artifacts published on maven central.
Eclipse Public License 2.0
6 stars 2 forks source link

//tag::vardef[] :gh-repo-owner: jmini :gh-repo-name: ecentral :project-name: ECentral :branch: master :twitter-handle: j2r2b :license: :license-name: Eclipse Public License - v 2.0

:git-repository: {gh-repo-owner}/{gh-repo-name} :homepage: https://{gh-repo-owner}{gh-repo-name} :issues:{git-repository}/issues //end::vardef[]

//tag::header[] = {project-name} Jeremie Bresson

Script and data around the Eclipse Platform artifacts published on maven central. //end::header[]

image:{gh-repo-owner}/{gh-repo-name}.svg?style=svg["CircleCI", link="{gh-repo-owner}/{gh-repo-name}"]

== Project Homepage

Visit the link:{homepage}[project home page] to know more this project.

//tag::contact-section[] == Get in touch

Use the link:{issues}[{project-name} issue tracker] on GitHub.

You can also contact me on Twitter: link:{twitter-handle}[@{twitter-handle}] //end::contact-section[]

//tag::license-section[] == License

link:{license}[{license-name}] //end::license-section[]