jmoalves / levain

Something to help you make your software grow
MIT License
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development-environment install levain

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Something to help you make your software grow

Installing Levain

We recomend you to use the latest version of install.ps1 script.
You can combine the options below.

Install latest release at $HOME/levain

iwr | iex

Install a specific Levain version

$levainVersion="0.91.3";iwr | iex

Choose another destination directory

$levainHome="C:\dev-env";iwr | iex

Providing your own Levain mirror (using Nexus, for instance)

$levainUrlBase="";iwr | iex

Providing you own recipes repository

$levainRepo="";iwr | iex`

Some use cases

Listing available packages / recipes

levain list
levain list jdk

Installing some packages

levain install jdk-21-ibm git wlp-runtime-

Open a configured shell

levain shell
levain shell wlp-runtime- jdk-21-ibm