jmwatte / beet-dates

plugin for beets that lets you search for files added between certain dates
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plugin for beets that lets you search for musicfiles added between certain dates

this plugin - for the lovely beets ( - lets you do a search on the tag: added.

Like this:

    added:="yesterday morning"
    added:="last night"
    added:="..prev 5 weeks"

it uses the prefix '='

you need the and the

put them both in your plugin folder, add dates to your plugin list in your beets/config.yaml and you're ready to go

The search can be "verbal" or "numeric".

a verbal search is ex:

        this afternoon, yesterday, last night, 
        this week, last 2 months, prev year, last year, this year,
        prev 5 month..yesterday night, this morning.. prev 2 minutes

a numeric search is ex:

        2012.10.(returns the whole 10th month)
        2012..2013.02(start of 2012 upto 2013.03.01 00:00:00)

You can combine verbal and numeric searches ex:

    2012..last night

verbal searches can have 3 parts

of which the second part can be a number

the first part can be :

this: ex.. this year, month, week, day, hour, minute,
      morning, afternoon, evening, night

prev: now is the end and count back a year, month...
      if today is friday than last week is last friday to now

last: if today is friday than the last week is ending last sunday
      and beginning sunday a week further back

and then there are these special words:

yesterday, today

if you got whitespaces between words you should use " or ' at the beginning and end

   added:="last 5 minutes"

for numeric requests: 2012/10/12/23/59 (Y,m,d,H,mi) is the input format.

when you give just a part of this, it gets that:

        2012 gives you all of 2012
       2012/10/01 gives you everything from the 10/1

if you put in a '=' , you copy the number from 'now'

so 2012==== copies the values from today after the 2012.

if you put in a 'x', you set that value to zero

     2012:10xxxx (its okay to give more xxxx or =====, gets cut off)
     is 2012/10/01/00:00

You can not do 20121001, we need something between the numbers,;:/ are all okay

spaces or not before after '..' ... all ok

You can use this with your smartplaylistplugin:

query: 'added:="last hour"'(watch the ' and ")
name: 'addedlasthour.m3u'
query: 'added:="prev month"'
query: 'added:=today"

the smartlist stays the same untill you update your datebase then the content of these smartlists get changes....