Docker container that runs the s2-ard-processor workflow.
The mapped input folder contains a set of S2 granules that will be processed as a swath. The processing can take place sequentially or in parallel using MPI on the JASMIN cluster.
Build to image:
cd workflow
docker build -t s2-ard-processor .
Use --no-cache
to build from scratch
Run Interactively:
docker run -i --entrypoint /bin/bash
-v /<hostPath>/input:/input
-v /<hostPath>/output:/output
-v /<hostPath>/state:/state
-v /<hostPath>/static:/static
-v /<hostPath>/working:/working
-v /<hostPath>/report:/report
-v /<hostPath>/database:/database
-t s2-ard-processor
Where \
Build an apptainer image using your Docker image
sudo apptainer build s2-ard-processor.sif docker-daemon://s2-ard-processor:latest
apptainer exec
--bind /<hostPath>/input:/input
--bind /<hostPath>/output:/output
--bind /<hostPath>/state:/state
--bind /<hostPath>/static:/static
--bind /<hostPath>/working:/working
--bind /<hostPath>/report:/report
--bind /<hostPath>/database:/database
s2-ard-processor.sif /app/
For the full list of parameters and more details on the folder setups, see the workflow readme at workflow/app/workflows/
The code in this repo will be jointly maintained by JNCC and DEFRA/CGI. Use the steps below as a guideline for making new changes:
branch from main
and commit your changes there until you're ready to mergemain
and add a reviewer from both JNCC and CGI to notify themfeature
branch to build a jncc/s2-ard-processor-dev docker image which both parties can use for testing and QAmain
, and build a live jncc/s2-ard-processor docker image which can be deployed to production