jneug / Linus

A MediaWiki Skin based on Bootstrap 3
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Linus - A MediaWiki Skin based on Bootstrap

Linus is a MediaWiki skin based on Bootstrap 3. It is a complete rewrite of my previous Bootstrap3 Mediawiki skin, which in turn was an adaption of the Bootstrap Mediawiki skin by Matthew Batchelder.

This version aims to comply to the Bootstrap best practices as much as possible.

The skin uses Bootstrap 3.3.4 and FontAwesome 4.3.0.


First, clone the repository into your skins/ directory.

git clone https://github.com/jneug/Linus.git

Next, in LocalSettings.php set:

$wgDefaultSkin = 'Linus';

Then add at the bottom:

require_once( "$IP/skins/Linus/Linus.php" );


While the overall layout is fixed, there are many ways to customize the look and feel of your wiki.


Linus comes with a bunch of settings, that can be set in your LocalSettings.php (usually after you requierd the skin file),

Here is what an example LocalSettings.php might look:

$wgDefaultSkin = 'Linus';

require_once( "$IP/skins/Linus/Linus.php" );

$wgLinusUseSidebar = false;
$wgLinusTOCInSidebar = true;
$wgLinusEnableSmoothScroll = true;
$wgLinusNavbarInverted = true;
$wgLinusNavbarFixed = true;
$wgLinusUseFontAwesome = true;
$wgLinusShowFooterLinks = false;
$wgLinusUseFooterIcons = true;
$wgLinusHideActionsForAnon = true;
$wgLinusEnableNavTag = true;
$wgLinusEnableButtonsTag = true;
$wgLinusResponsiveCategories = true;

$wgSitenameshort = 'Linus';

Page sections

Linus allows you to customize some of the sections in the page layout. Namely the titlebar, footer, copyright information and sidebar.


The titlebar is loaded from MediaWiki:Linus/Titlebar and parsed into navigation elements in the navbar. The navigation will appear next to the logo/site name on the left of the navbar.

The titlebar uses the same syntax as the <nav> and <buttons> tags to generate links and dropdown menus. You can add as many additional menu items and dropdowns as you'd like, but note that with more than two elements on the root level, the navbar might break into two lines on smaller screens. Other elements than those allowed for the tags are not allowed.

Here is an example for a titlebar with one link and a dropdown:

* mainpage|Main
* Help (icon:book)
** Help|Help (icon:book)
** ----
** Linus Skin
*** MediaWiki:Linus/Titlebar|Titlebar
*** MediaWiki:Linus/Footer|Footer
*** MediaWiki:Linus/Copyright|Copyright


The footer is loaded from MediaWiki:Linus/Footer and can contain any markup you like. You can use most of the bootstrap styles, especially the grid classes to create a layout for your footer. See the official documentation for more details. Note that the footer is always wrapped in a div.row.

Here is an example for a footer with two columns of equal width, using the Bootstrap grid sytem:

<div class="col-md-6">
    === Stuff ===
    * [[Link to some place]]
    * [[Another link]]
<div class="col-md-6">
    === More Stuff ===
    * [http://external.resource.org Go here]


The copyright information in the lower right of the page is loaded from MediaWiki:Linus/Copyright. It can contain the basic HTML tags allowed in normal wiki pages, but usually should just be a oneliner:

<span class="fa fa-copyright"></span> 2015, J. Neugebauer


The sidebar is loaded from MediaWiki:Sidebar and parsed similar to the titlebar and the parser tags.

General styling

To adapt the look and feel of your wiki you can use the usual styling possibilities of MediaWiki, e.g. the MediaWiki:Common.css page.

To add advanced styling, you can edit the file less/custom.less in the Linus directory. It allows the use of {less} syntax, but will also accept normal css. LESS allows you to reuse the colors and other variables from bootstrap to fit your wiki to the global styling bootstrap supplies.

Additionally custom javascript can be places in MediaWiki:Common.js and js/custom.js.

Bootstrap themes

The overall look and feel of Bootstrap can be modified by using Bootstrap themes. To use a theme for your wiki copy the content of the themes css file (e.g. bootstrap-theme.css) into your custom.less.

Custom Bootstrap build

To make your wiki unique, you might want to replace Bootstrap with a custom build version. There are many sites like Bootswatch that provide alternatives to the default Bootstrap design. Or you can use the Boostrap customization tool.

To use a custom build, just replace the css/bootstrap.min.css with the new file. Please make sure the file was generated with Bootstrap version 3.3.4. Additionally you should replace the file less/variables.less with the one used to generate the custom build. Most Bootstrap resources provide this file with their downloads (at least Bootswatch does). This makes sure the custom styles applied to MediaWiki elements are also adapted to your new look and feel.

Linus was tested with the Bootswatch themes and should work fine with any of them. If you experience problems with your custom build, please give me a note.

Note that this replacement should work fine for any Bootstrap version that was generated by customizing the variables.less file and using the usual build process. For versions with major changes to how Bootstrap generates its styles, the layout might break.


To utilize Linus to its fullest, you can use most of the Bootstrap components when writing wiki pages. Additionally the skin comes with two parser tags to generate buttons and navigation elements.

For future releases, additional integrations with some extensions (e.g. Semantic MediaWiki) are planed.


Linus adds two tags: <buttons> and <nav>. Both take the same arguments, but produce slightly different output. The first tag will generate button groups, the other navs.

Both tags take a string as argument, that has to be formatted with a special syntax, similar to the way the Vector skin expects the sidebar to be defined, but with some additions and changes to the syntax.

Menu syntax

* mainpage|Main
* Help (icon:book)
** Help|Help (icon:book)
** ----
** Linus Skin
*** MediaWiki:Linus/Titlebar|Titlebar
*** MediaWiki:Linus/Footer|Footer
*** MediaWiki:Linus/Copyright|Copyright


In addition to Bootstraps [Glyphicons]() Linus comes bundled with [FontAwesome 4](). The skin has a large list build in, that maps icons to menu items. If FontAwesome is enabled, the skin automatically uses its icons for the build in MediaWiki menus. Otherwise Glyphicons are used.

Both can be used in the <buttons> and <nav> tags, as well as in the title- and sidebar. To do so, you only need to provide the name of the icon for Glyphicons (e.g. lock instead of glyphicon glyphicon-lock) and the full class name for FontAwesome (e.g. fa-lock) in the menu syntax. Additionally you can add additional css classes to style the icon, e.g. fa-spin to get a rotating icon. The icons for the build in MediaWiki menus are read from [system messages](), this allows you to change, disable and add icons.

Change and adding menu icons

To change an icon, you just have to create a new system message with the Icon: prefix and the ID of the menu item as a name. The ID can be determined by looking up the id attribute of an menu item and removing the prefix.

For example the edit menu item has the id attribute c-edit removing The prefix leaves edit and the name of the system message page would be MediaWiki:Icon:edit. Often times the ID is the same as the system message key to translate the menu item label. Switching the language to qqx will replace all messages with their key, making it easy to find the appropriate ID. You can temporarily switch the language by appending ?uselang=qqx to the page URL.

After finding the required ID you can change the icon by creating the system message page and entering the icon as its content. E.g. setting MediaWiki:Icon:edit to lock will display a lock icon instead of the usual pencil. Setting the page content to fa-lock fa-spin will replace it with a spinning FontAwesome lock.

This way new icons get added as well. For example to display an icon next to your custom Namespace Tool in the "Page" menu, add the system message MediaWiki:Icon:nstab-tool to your wiki.

Disabling icons

Icons can also be disabled by either setting the system message to an empty page or to -. The first will completely remove the icon and thus might result in uneven indentions of menu items with and without icons. The second version will prevent this by adding an empty icon, that serves as a spacer to keep the indention levels the same.


Bootstrap comes with a variety of [components](), that can be added to your wiki pages. Most of them work with Linus. Since most of them work by adding css classes to <div> tags, they can easily be integrated into MediaWiki.

Have a look at the official Bootstrap docs and the templates section for more details.

In addition to the usual components, Linus adds a few new ones specifically designed to work with MediaWiki.

Infobox component

Many wikis use info boxes to summarize information in a standardized form. Linus comes with a mobile friendly infobox component that is adapted to your bootstrap theme of choice.

To use a info box, simply wrap a normal Bootstrap table inside a <div> with the infobox class:

<div class="infobox">
{| class="table table-bordered"
|+ Caption
! colspan="2" class="infobox-header" | Zettelkasten
| colspan="2" | [[File:Image.png|frameless]]
! information
| Value
|colspan="2" class="infobox-muted" | A muted text for secondary information.

Besides <code>.infobox-muted</code> you can use any of the usual Bootstrap table classes.
! Info state
| class="info" | Info text
! Warning state
| class="warning" | Warning text

Long URLs

Multi-level dropdowns




Every list item on the first level will be displayed as a menu item in the navbar. List items on the second level will be displayed in a dropdown under their parent element. Aside from links you can add dividers to the dropdowns by adding ** ---- and subheading as normal text items, e.g. ** Some text. Additionally each menu item may have a Glyphicon by adding (icon:name) to the end of the line. (The icon names are the last part in the class names: .glyphicon-name)

CSS hacks

You might want to use these "hacks" to change some aspects of the layout and look of components.

General page styling

Mark interwiki links as external

Add the following to your custom.less to mirror the styling of external links

a.extiw {
    &:after {
        font-family: 'Glyphicons Halflings';
        content: "\e164";
        font-size: 75%;
        padding-left: 3px;
.fa-enabled {
    a.extiw {
        &:after {
            font-family: 'FontAwesome';
            content: " \f08e";
            font-size: 75%;
            padding-left: 0;
.footer {
    a.extiw {
        &:after {
            content: "";
            padding: 0;


Hide infobox on smartphones

Add this to your custom.less

@media (max-width: @screen-sm-max) {
    .infobox {
        display: none;

Make infobox full width on smartphones

Add this to your custom.less

@media (max-width: @screen-sm-max) {
    .infobox {
        .table {
            width: 100%;
            max-width: none;