MANuals for TYpSt
Template for documenting typst packages and templates.
Just import the package at the beginning of your manual:
#import "@preview/mantys:0.1.4": *
Mantys supports Typst 0.11.0 and newer.
A basic template for a manual could look like this:
#import "@local/mantys:0.1.4": *
#import "your-package.typ"
#show: mantys.with(
name: "your-package-name",
title: [A title for the manual],
subtitle: [A subtitle for the manual],
info: [A short descriptive text for the package.],
authors: "Your Name",
url: "",
version: "0.0.1",
date: "date-of-release",
abstract: [
A few paragraphs of text to describe the package.
example-imports: (your-package: your-package)
// end of preamble
# About
# Usage
# Available commands
Use #command(name, ..args)[description]
to describe commands and #argument(name, ...)[description]
for arguments:
#command("headline", arg[color], arg(size:1.8em), sarg[other-args], barg[body])[
Renders a prominent headline using #doc("meta/heading").
#argument("color", type:"color")[
The color of the headline will be used as the background of a #doc("layout/block") element containing the headline.
#argument("size", default:1.8em)[
The text size for the headline.
#argument("sarg", is-sink:true)[
Other options will get passed directly to #doc("meta/heading").
#argument("body", type:"content")[
The text for the headline.
The headline is shown as a prominent colored block to highlight important news articles in the newsletter:
#headline(blue, size: 2em, level: 3)[
The result might look something like this:
For a full reference of available commands read the manual.
not showing command name (by @freundTech).#lambda
now uses #dtype
argument for eval
in examples.
, #side-by-side()
and #shortex()
now support the scope
and mode
was replaced by examples-scope
file directly into #mantys
#show: mantys.with( ..toml("typst.toml") )
#version(since:(), until:())
command to add version markers to commands.theme.typ
file to allow easy customization of colors and styles.#func()
, #lambda()
and #symbol()
commands, to handle special cases for values.