jniemann66 / react-chessdiagram

Chess Diagram React Component
MIT License
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chess chess-board chess-game chess-position chess-variant fen

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Chess Diagram React Component

LIVE DEMO: http://chessdiagram.juddn.com updated 24-apr-2017

Knight's Tour Demo: http://knightstour.juddn.com

NPM: https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-chessdiagram


A react component that can display chess positions from FEN strings, PGN Strings, or a form of algebraic notation (P@a5 R@h8 etc)

It is almost entirely stateless. (some state is maintained to keep track of mouse / touch events, and an internal list of moves when displaying a game)

A callback facility is provided to report dragged pieces back to the host application.

API documentation: ./api.md

sample usage

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';   
import Chessdiagram from 'react-chessdiagram';

const lightSquareColor = '#2492FF'; // light blue
const darkSquareColor = '#005EBB'; // dark blue
const currentPosition =  'rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1'; // starting position
const flip = false;
const squareSize = 30;

    <Chessdiagram flip={flip} fen={currentPosition} squareSize={squareSize} 
        lightSquareColor={lightSquareColor} darkSquareColor={darkSquareColor} onMovePiece={onMovePiece}/>,

function onMovePiece(piece, fromSquare, toSquare) {
    let message = 'You moved ' + piece + fromSquare + ' to ' + toSquare + ' !';

build commands:

dev: npm run dev - (output to ./build/dev.chessdiagram.js and served on http://localhost:8080 by dev server)

dist: npm run build - (output to ./build/dist.chessdiagram.js)

lint: npm run lint - runs ESLint

generate API documentation: npm run generate-docs

testing: npm test (testing is implemented with Jest, Enzyme, and sinon)


recently completed:


Judd Niemann

Stephen Van Gordon

Graham Kaemmer