jnikula / hawkmoth

Hawkmoth - Sphinx Autodoc for C
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
73 stars 11 forks source link
api-documentation-tool documentation documentation-generator restructuredtext sphinx sphinx-extension

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Hawkmoth - Sphinx Autodoc for C

Hawkmoth is a minimalistic Sphinx C and C++ Domain autodoc directive extension to incorporate formatted C and C++ source code comments written in reStructuredText_ into Sphinx based documentation. It uses Clang Python Bindings for parsing, and generates C and C++ Domain directives for C and C++ API documentation, and more. In short, Hawkmoth is Sphinx Autodoc for C/C++.

Hawkmoth aims to be a compelling alternative for documenting C and C++ projects using Sphinx, mainly through its simplicity of design, implementation and use.

.. _Sphinx: http://www.sphinx-doc.org

.. _C and C++ Domain: http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/domains.html

.. _reStructuredText: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html


Given C source code with rather familiar looking documentation comments::


and a directive in the Sphinx project::

.. c:autofunction:: foobar :file: filename.c

you can incorporate code documentation into Sphinx. It's as simple as that.

You can document functions, their parameters and return values, structs, classes, unions, their members, macros, function-like macros, enums, enumeration constants, typedefs, variables, as well as have generic documentation comments not attached to any symbols.

See the documentation examples_ section for more, with sample output.

.. _examples: https://jnikula.github.io/hawkmoth/stable/examples.html


Documentation on how to install, configure and use Hawkmoth, as well as write documentation comments, with examples, is available for both the latest release and the version currently in development.

The same is also hosted at Read the Docs_.

.. _latest release: https://jnikula.github.io/hawkmoth/stable/

.. _version currently in development: https://jnikula.github.io/hawkmoth/dev/

.. _Read the Docs: https://hawkmoth.readthedocs.io/


You can install Hawkmoth from PyPI_ with::

pip install hawkmoth

You'll additionally need to install Clang and Python 3 bindings for it through your distro's package manager; they are not available via PyPI. For further details, see the documentation.

Alternatively, installation packages are available for:

In Sphinx conf.py, add hawkmoth to extensions, and point hawkmoth_root at the source tree. See the extension documentation for details.

.. _PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/hawkmoth/

.. _Arch Linux: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/?K=hawkmoth

Development and Contributing

Hawkmoth source code is available on GitHub_. The development version can be checked out via git using this command::

git clone https://github.com/jnikula/hawkmoth.git

Please file bugs and feature requests as GitHub issues_. Contributions are welcome as GitHub pull requests.

See CONTRIBUTING.rst_ for more details.

.. _GitHub: https://github.com/jnikula/hawkmoth

.. _CONTRIBUTING.rst: https://github.com/jnikula/hawkmoth/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.rst


Dependencies and their minimum versions:

There are additional development and testing dependencies recorded in setup.cfg_.

.. _setup.cfg: https://github.com/jnikula/hawkmoth/blob/master/setup.cfg


Hawkmoth is free software, released under the 2-Clause BSD License_.

.. _2-Clause BSD License: https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause


IRC channel #hawkmoth on OFTC IRC network. GitHub issues and discussions_.

.. _OFTC IRC network: https://www.oftc.net/

.. _issues: https://github.com/jnikula/hawkmoth/issues

.. _discussions: https://github.com/jnikula/hawkmoth/discussions