jnunemaker / hunt

really simple search for mongomapper
MIT License
38 stars 8 forks source link

= Hunt

Insanely stupid and basic indexed search for MongoMapper. Probably pointless, but something I am playing around with on side projects.

== Usage

Declare the plugin.

class Note include MongoMapper::Document plugin Hunt

key :title, String
key :body, String
key :tags, Array

searches :title, :body, :tags


This creates a key named searches that is a Hash. Title, body, and tags get mashed together before save into a unique array of stemmed words and stored in searches.default.

You can index the terms individually or with any other combination of keys.

Note.ensure_index :'searches.default' # or ... Note.ensure_index [[:user_id, Mongo::Ascending], [:'searches.default', Mongo::Ascending]]

You also get a search class method that returns a scope.

Returns Plucky::Query (MM Scope), no query actually fired


Gets everything matching mongodb


Gets first page of everything matching mongodb

Note.search('mongodb').paginate(:page => 1)

Counts everything matching mongodb


Matches everything with any of the terms

Note.search('mongodb is awesome')

== Note on Patches/Pull Requests

== Copyright

Copyright (c) 2010 John Nunemaker. See LICENSE for details.