jo / puret

Puret is a minimal pure translation library for translating database values for Rails 3.
MIT License
74 stars 17 forks source link

== Help Needed!

Puret needs a new maintainer.

== Puret

Puret is a minimal pure translation library for translating database values for Rails 3.

Puret is quiet like model_translations (and borrowed much of its code), but comes with generators to help you get started.

Puret does not create the translation model dynamically (like model_translations does) but creates the file via generator. Puret wants to leave out as much magic as possible and want to allow customizing every part of your application.

== Installation

You need configure the puret gem inside your gemfile:

source '' gem 'puret'

You can also use the latest edge version by specifying the git repository:

gem 'puret', :git => 'git://'

Do not forget to run

bundle install

== Basic Usage

This is a walkthrough with all steps you need to setup puret translated attributes, including model and migration. You MUST also check out the Generators section below to help you start.

We're assuming here you want a Post model with some puret attributes, as outlined below:

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base puret :title, :description end

The pure translations are stored in a different translation model for every model you need translations for:

class PostTranslation < ActiveRecord::Base puret_for :post end

You now need to create a migration for the translations table:

create_table(:post_translations) do |t| t.references :post t.string :locale

t.string :title
t.text :description


end add_index :post_translations, [:post_id, :locale], :unique => true

Thats it!

Now you are able to translate values for the attributes :title and :description per locale:

I18n.locale = :en post.title = 'Puret really rocks!' I18n.locale = :de post.title = 'Puret rockt wirklich!'

I18n.locale = :en post.title #=> Puret really rocks! I18n.locale = :de post.title #=> Puret rockt wirklich!

== Translation lookup fallback

If a translation is not available in your locale, puret looks

  1. for an instance method called default_locale and the corresponding translation
  2. for a class method called default_locale and the corresponding translation
  3. for a translation in I18n.default_locale

In case a translation is not available in the default locale, puret uses the first locale it could find. That order is specified by creation time, so the first created translation will be returned.

== Generators

Puret comes with some generators to help you with your daily job:

rails generate puret:model Post title:string description:text

will setup all the code above and more, either you already have a Post model or not. In the latter case the Post model will be created for you.

In case you already have a translated model and want to add some more puret attributes, just run the puret:attribute generator:

rails generate puret:attribute Post body:text

This will create the appropriate migration and configure your Post model to translate the new attribute body.

Keep it simple! Relax.

== Diggin deeper

Read the Rdoc documentation at

== Bugs and Feedback

If you discover any bugs or want to drop a line, feel free to create an issue on GitHub:

Copyright (c) 2010 Johannes Jörg Schmidt, TF, released under the MIT license