A web application for stacking people for intervining in a conversation.
Helpful tool for facilitators and participants of meetings with a lot of people
or on-site and remote participants.
See Taking Stack (Meeting Facilitation Technique) for more
information about the technique.
Deployed version:
npm install
- Development:
npm start
, open http://localhost:3000
- Production:
- Compile everything
npm run build
PORT=80 node index.js
- Deployables are {index.js}, {server/}, and {build/}
- npm version 5+
- node.js version 6+
- Server
- [x] Migrate server to express
- [x] Clean up server code
- Client
- [x] Add buildtool for better client side asset management
- [x] Refactor frontend using es6 and modules
- Improvements
- [x] Use SSE or websockets or long polling for communication
- [ ] Change participant to set name when joining before they can add
- [ ] Checkbox for I'm a facilitator that enables being able to pop people
from the stack (disabled by default)
- [ ] Being able to manage the stack (remove participants on the middle, etc)
- [x] Disallow contiguous participants in stack
- [x] Improve styles